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The Genre Painting Refraction Social Changes

Posted on:2014-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398983798Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The art history of the Qing Dynasty period is important in the development of the China Academy of Art, but often overlooked part of one of the reasons is into the feudal society in this great historical changes in China in a passive posture, that is, the development of Chinese art is almost unconsciousbe involved in the history of the world trend. The Ming and Qing Dynasties, especially Kangxi since Chinese and European culture and art of positive contact period also marked the beginning of Western painting and the the classical plastic arts system spread period, implies a far-reaching change began. Genre painting art form all form of painting is the most real, the best performance characteristics of the times, is based, to show it to the custom of the fact that a living picture of the great age of the present status of various social staggered appear huge historical conditions and factors with great artistic value and historical value.The last Qing Dynasty folk paintings become overly dependent on the interpretation of the images customs significance, often stay at the level of the pictures to tell a story,"can not be effectively and correctly found the image hosted significance and behind this sense of the complexity of social relations, therefore, this article start from the Qing Dynasty folk paintings formed artistic background and social background, analysis of the degree of acceptance of the social strata of genre painting, genre painting in the Qing Dynasty was showing new features, and then through the study of several typical genre painting theme, back to the historical background of the Qing Dynasty.In the introduction, this paper introduces the research background and research purposes, and also pointed out by research and innovation. Briefly in the second chapter, the overall profile of genre painting. Genre painting of the Qing Dynasty in the third chapter, different from the past years which era background-Western painting East "phenomenon elaborated Learning occurs because Western painting and Western painting Learning creative techniques of genre painting impact and creative forms, and then in the fourth chapter of the Qing Dynasty genre painting several typical theme combing to show depicting the era of Qing Dynasty and social development picture. At the end of the paper, in the modern sense of the genre painting, and fully affirmed the huge historical research value of genre painting.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qing Dynasty, Genre painting, Social development, Western paintingLearning
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