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A Study Of The Aesthetic Characteristics Of Yutai Xinyong

Posted on:2014-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398456153Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Yutai Xinyong" is another important collection of poems after "The Book ofSongs" and "Chu Ci", which included831poems from the Western Han Dynasty tothe Liang Dynasty. Editor Xu Ling shows the purpose of compiling "Yutai Xinyong"in the preface is for the harem girls which " feel lonely and have much time""removing boredom slightly", as the female readers for maid’s entertainment, theyread it for killing time and amusing themselves, therefore,"Yu tai Xinyong" is acollection of poems with the nature of entertainment. It is full of the poets’ personalaesthetic taste and emotional feelings; it is concerned with present and evanescence,women’s all the soft characteristics and all the details, the delicate flavor of the poetryitself, the poets’ feelings, and delight of life and enjoyment. It is a collection of poemswhich concern to humanity and cling to the aesthetic expression and aesthetic pursuit.This paper will make a simple classification of more than800poems throughreading the texts carefully; it can be roughly divided into five categories: femalepoetry, chanting poetry, conversation poetry, simulation poetry and receive orderspoetry to reveal the aesthetic characteristics of "Yutai Xinyong" as a starting point.This paper is divided into three main sections:The first chapter mainly analyzes the female characters in "Yutai Xinyong". Itwill explain the female aesthetic feeling from the three aspects: women’s appearance,emotions and fate. Describing women’s appearance meticulously shows theirexquisite makeup, magnificent dress and elegant pose; they are gentle and affectionate,always yearn for love gently and passively, always wait for their lovers persistentlyand loyally; when they encounter parting and be abandoned and become lovesicknesswomen、querulous women or deserted women,they only cry silently, lament the poorfate. A young life have to suffer getting old and the change of fate, bear loneliness andsorrow, which undoubtedly are tragic, the poets are aware of this and pay attention tothe fate of women and the freedom of humanity.The second chapter is the aesthetic analysis of chanting poetry in "YutaiXinyong". Writing by humanized way makes the objects vivid, lively and clearlyfeminine; at the same time writing women only as the female external and establishedcharacters and freeze-framing,magnifying their static pose makes women be spied,appreciated, refined,carved and materialized. In addition, natural images of chantingpoetry also have soft and fresh features, which highlight the harmonious beauty ofnature and human natural attachment to nature.The third chapter focuses on the Poets’ aesthetic psychological analysis of "YutaiXinyong". Female poets imitate male poetry’s language, conception,style and otheraspects consciously in the situation that they have no right of speech; male poets areintended to convert identity, simulate feminine tone realistically and exquisitely to getcreative fun, but because of the differences between their identity, social status andpsychological, these two types of poetry still have some differences; theseconversation poetry, simulation poetry and receive orders poetry three types of poetryall exist interaction between literati poet, they are collective creation, social activitieswith fun, whether from the intuitive form of the poetry itself or the fact of poetcreation activity both reflects aesthetic pleasure of recreation and imitation.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Yutai Xinyong", aesthetic features, female, entertainment
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