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"Seventeen Years" During The Hubei Novel Research

Posted on:2013-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F YeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395986335Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the founding of17years (1949-1966), Hubei novel achieved outstanding results, such as the theme of the Sino-Japanese War "plain gunshots,""The Yan’an school"; rural theme of the "side of the small white flag of the storm","Typical Report; historical themes of "Li Zicheng". Hubei novelist insist on a combination of revolutionary realism and revolutionary romanticism creative approach, follow the historical facts of enthusiasm, to eulogize the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the Sino-Japanese War, the war of liberation and socialist construction of our people during the course of arduous struggle and vigorous mental outlook."17years" period of Hubei novel "from the subject matter content will be17years of the period of Hubei novel is divided into the themes of the revolutionary war, rural themes, historical figures, themes, four large part of the other subjects, make a preliminary carding and systematic study."Seventeen Years" Hubei novel writer and one of the representative to inspect and evaluate. On this basis, summed up the "Seventeen-year period of Hubei artistic features of the novel:the breath of life, simple language and local color, the last chapter in the paper the generality of exposition of the achievements and shortcomings of the17years period of Hubei novel in order to the Hubei novel of the period of17years to show more clearly the face of in the Chinese literary circles.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Seventeen Years", the writers of Hubei, novel research
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