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Competence Of Chinese To English Intepretation And Ways Of Improvement

Posted on:2013-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y YaoFull Text:PDF
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Interpretation competence is the external manifestation of all the skills that aninterpreter owns, and it is related to both the performance and professionalism of theinterpreter. It can be used as the criteria for assessing interpreting performance, so it alsoforms the hard core for interpreter. In terms of content, it is a combination which isconcerned with listening, comprehension and expression, etc. In the practice, thecompetence can be reflected in the application of skills. While in terms of process, it isexistent the preparation in advance, adjustment in interpretation and review afterinterpretation. Meanwhile, the interpretation competency can only be achieved with hardwork, persistence and great efforts. The thesis is based on an analysis on an individualrecorded case by writer himself, and a review has been made to summarize the mistakesmade in the case of consecutive interpretation. Simultaneously, the writer has been alsoseeking the ways of improvement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Consecutive Interpretation, Chinese to English Interpretation, InterpretationCompetency
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