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On The Evolution Of Novel Creation By Ouyang Shan In The Time Of Modern Literary

Posted on:2013-07-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371990018Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ouyang Shan’s literary creation practice almost goes across five four revolution literaturedevelopment process in each historical period. In the process, Ouyang Shan has maintained a highlyabundant creative passion, life Academy, good structure and frequent, creation high amount of up to aboutten million characters. Ouyang Shan was from a poor family, life is rough, for the hardships of the peoplehave cut skin to experience deeply. This prompted the observed world human perspective closer to folk,make their own more from the bottom of the society tough and unyielding spirit of revolt. In revolutionaryliterature author team, Ouyang Shan has always been more rational to a revolutionary literature writerssubjectivity, does not follow blindly, not fully agree single simplistic class nature of creation method.Ouyang Shan’s work is engraved with the era gives specific prevalence of revolutionary discourse marks,but also praiseworthy for one’s excellent conduct show individual has consistently adhered to the uniquecreative ideas and aesthetic character of revolutionary literature.While the academic circle of Ouyang Shan in the period of contemporary literature literaturegrowth and obtain artistic achievement, also failed to give sufficient survey and reflection.This article tries from occurrence science angle, through the analysis of the writers’ individualand revolutionary literature to the correlation between the system, using the historical research method, andobservation of Ouyang Shan ’s novel creation in the period of contemporary literature evolution. In OuyangShan and revolutionary literature complex relations, mining dynamically the works of deep texture containsunique, fully demonstrated in the modern literary novel richness and complexity, relatively objectivereduction of a true revolutionary literature author.The full text is divided into preface, text, of three parts. The text is divided into three chapters onOuyang Shan in the period of contemporary literature creation activities and reviews.The first chapter mainly reviews Ouyang Shan literature starting process and explore OuyangShan advocated Zhiqing literature theory, analyzes the theoretical system in the formation from therevolutionary literature system and the external environment of literature influence.The second chapter focuses on Ouyang Shan to give up his literary writing, thorough to the left social realist creation concrete reason. In Ouyang Shan and revolutionary literature system interaction,further analysis of Ouyang Shan in periods of left-wing literature creation characteristic.The third chapter examines Ouyang Shan in the period of Anti-Japanese War in the popular novelwriting reason and active use of new realism method causes. And expeditions in Yanan period, OuyangShan received from the revolutionary group discipline, focusing on the" big" high representative, analyzethis stage its literature achievement.Summary of Ouyang Shan in the period of contemporary literature the literature to sum up theresults and the literature in the modern period accumulation influence on contemporary literature brieflyoutlined, and pointed out that Ouyang Shan in the creation of deficiencies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ouyang Shan, “Gao ganda”, Zhiqing literature, new realism
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