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Reach On OuYangshan’s Novels (1924-1949)

Posted on:2014-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398463568Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper take Guangdong writer Ouyang Shan as the researchproject,discuss the relationship between his earlier works and Guangdongculture with text reading and biographical research methods,use thehistorical and logical methods to reinterpret Ouyang Shan’s creations andtheories in Yan’an.The paper is structured as follows:The first chapter is to comb Guangzhou cultural influence onOuyang Shan’s literary life by writing Ouyang Shan’s grown experience.The second chapter is mainly about Ouyang Shan’s achievementsand influence of Cantonese literary movement and explain it by textreading method.The third chapter take Ouyang Shan’s representative lengthy GaoGanda as example, by analyzing its theme, characters and languagefeatures to interpret its role in Chinese modern literature as well as thespecific application of typical view in Gao Ganda and shaping a typicalcharacter in typical environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ouyang Shan, kantonese literature, Gao Ganda
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