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The Qualitative Research Of College Students’ Thoughts Of Conscience

Posted on:2013-12-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y N LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371989909Subject:Basic Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The thoughts of "conscience" can be said that in China a long history as the inner law of mostpeople’s minds, it not only gives the authority and criteria to rule their own right or wrong, thus preventingpeople do harm to others, or to persuade people to do good and to promote further deep introspection oftheir own past actions, thereby strengthening their sense of responsibility or repentance requirements. Forthousands of years, its incredible charm, the mysteries of the capricious and can not resist the normativeforce, which attract numerous philosopher and a moralist of it the thought and exploration.Therefore, on the basis of previous research, select the "conscience" concept as the thesisresearch, combined with the disciplines of philosophy, sociology, literature and other research results,expected by qualitative research methods to address the following issues:1. Survey what is the thoughts of"conscience" in the mind of college students?2. The views and the attitude of the people’s thoughts of"conscience" in our society? Takes a positive or negative attitude? As a college student, how to influencethe conscience missing?3. Further a case study to survey the college student how to understand the conceptof "conscience", and the view of the concept of "conscience" of today’s society, and what should be done toaffect the conscience missing.The main conclusions of the study:1. The thoughts of conscience is positive which hold by college students,basically they have aproper understanding of it,which mainly belongs to the moral category.Only very specific students’thoughts of conscience more shallow.2. The study found that college students’ attitudes to the pepole’s thoughts of conscience can bedivided into believe and skepticism. The students who hold the believe attitude thought that the overallconcept of the conscience of our society people still exist, most pepole’s hearts are still good, just a smallnumber of people taking advantage of people’s good for profit, directly cause people to be cautious whendoing good deeds, and even developed to dare not the point of doing good deeds. Although there areconscience missings,only a handful of people which does not affect the culture of society as a whole.3. The students who hold the Skeptical attitude thought that with the excessive pursuit of material interests, pepole’s concept of the conscience becoming more and more wickness.People are basically good,but many people in the face of money and interests devoid of their own conscience. In another case, in theface of someone in need of help, but nobody is willing to lend a helping hand, on the one hand someonedenounce others, on the other hand, make their own indifferent spectator. It is this concept of “keep out ofharm by discretion”and “None of that has high hung” makes devoid of conscience to a certain extent.Overall, The people’s thoughts of conscience today is seriously short and which is far as before.4. The study summarized the causes of the lack of concept of the conscience of people today inthe view of students, which including the following four reasons:(1) the distribution of social wealth is notreasonable that resulting in the gap between rich and poor is too large and unscrupulous to eran "money",so the moral concept and the sense of responsibility indifferent.(2) The legal system is not perfect, whichleading to the occurrence of many unethical, but a legitimate thing.(3) People were afraid to do good, suchas traffic accidents, it is very common to see that even well-intentioned assistance, but will be kicked in theteeth, which is our traffic laws, the way of police enforcement, social media, and some rogue concertedcaused.(4) Moral education can not keep up.5. The college students also made a positive advice to impact those conscience missings standingin the perspective of students, that is, first of all make good use of what they have educational resources,and strive to improve their own quality; starting with me, from the little things, advocated do not think anyvirtue trivial, and so neglect it.
Keywords/Search Tags:College students, the thoughts of conscience, Content, Attitude, Qualitative research
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