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Ke Huang’s Art Of Calligraphy Research

Posted on:2013-04-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371970277Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Although Mr. Ke Huang who has been lived through Qing dynasty,the Republic of China and new China attained high quality for bothcalligraphy and drawing, there is little research about him. Thisarticle which has four chapters made a deep study on him. In thefirst chapter, it’s mainly about Ke Huang’s lifetime and the historicalenvironment at his time. The significant term of his activities isaround the period of the Republic of China, though he has beenthrough three different era. At that time, people’s lives wereunsettled due to the turbulence of the society and the developmentof art of culture was also limited on some level, however, there wasstill some room left for calligraphy to grow up casually which wasprimarily influenced by teaching methods of "Qian Jia school",reform of innovation of "Yang Zhou eight talented" and "learn fromWestern". Ke Huang’s family has gained knowledge from uppergenerations and he was facillitated with the help of many privilegepeople which settled fundamental efforts for his later development.He was with great patriotic sentiment witnessed by the song <songof guerrilla>, preparation of establishing the department of learning Confucius and building up the Shan Xi museum. Tai Yuan is hissecond hometown, so he had profound sentiment to Shan Xi andcontributed a lot for education here during his work time. Thesecond chapter studies the influence for his calligraphy by theachievement of his poem, literature, philosophy and drawing. KeHuang, as an acknowledged man, had much interests on poem,literature, philosophy and drawing, especially on poem, for therelationship with Dong Biwu was a good story on everyone’s lips.Speaking of drawing, he was good at painting followers, wistariaand pin which was based on "pour ink for general meaing"integrated with way of writing and achieved outstanding quality.He had published <literature journal of Lv Tianzhai>, <basicphilosophy of people’s lifetime>, <the beauty of calligraphy anddrawing> and <first collection of Lv Tianzhai calligraphy anddrawing> and all of them had certain efforts on his calligraphy. KeHuang’s art of calligraphy including the teachings of his master, hisworks, style and drawing are described and generally analyzied hisrepresentative work in chapter three. Running and grass writingare his merit in order to get conclusion of the style of Ke Huang’s artof calligraphy and called "xiao zhi yong xu su" by later generation.Also his view of art of calligraphy was demonstrated in the artdivision of <basic philosophy of people’s lifetime> which told thathe is serious about art. Chapter four mainly studies Ke Huang’sactivities in Shan Xi university. His outlook on life is extensive anddelicate and he payed much attention on education with the aim ofhelping human society move toward civilization. When teaching inShan Xi university, although well paid, he lived a simple life and saved money for students in need and welfare business. His workshas been saved in various forms and offered us precious data forresearch.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ke Huang, calligraphy, style, influence
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