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Survey On The Situation Of Human Resources For Health In Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefectuer

Posted on:2014-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330395997316Subject:Epidemiology and Health Statistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the situation of humanresources for health in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in2010. Investigatethe characteristics of human resources for health, find out the existing problems andtheir causes in order to provide basis for health policy making, and to promote healthdevelopment.Methods: An overall survey of health personnel in Yanbian in2010was done.Descriptive statistical analysis was carried out on the age, gender, education,professional title, medical specialty, medical practitioners licensing and staffing leveland so on. Assessed the equity of health human resources allocation by using Lorenzcurve and Gini Coefficient.Results: At the end of2010, there were1815health institutions and14173healthpersonnel in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture.Out of the total healthpersonnel,57.4%were in hospitals,29.8%of them were in the basic medical andhealth institutions and11.8%were in public health agencies. There were only300health personnel in the community health service centers. The proportion of the over60years old was22%of rural doctors, and the technical secondary school educationwas the largest number. Among the9710health technical personnel, there were69.5%female, and the male to female ratio was1:2.28; and the age group25to44accounted for60%of the total health personnel. Under graduates and other higherdegree holders formed the majority of the health workers. Most of the healthprofessionals were of intermediate titles (36.1%). And there were only133generalmedical professionals in the whole of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in2010.There were7667(79.0%) people in government payroll(employed by thegovernment), and vacancy rate was13.3%for health and technical personnel, andespecially there was high vacancy for nurses. Moreover, the numbers of Health staff,Professional, Rural doctors and hygienists, Practicing (assistant) doctors, and Registered nurses per1000persons were6.53,4.47,0.96,1.87, and1.70respectively;and the physicians to nurses ratio was1:0.91. Health technicians to populationBouquigny coefficient was0.2418, regional Bouquigny coefficient was0.5141; forpracticing (assistant) doctors according to the population distribution the Ginicoefficient was0.2429, according to the geographical distribution the Gini coefficientwas0.5278, and for registered nurses the Gini coefficient of the distribution ofpopulation was0.3238, according to the geographical distribution the Gini coefficientwas0.5786.Conclusion: The study revealed that there was shortage of health workers incommunity health service institutions, and also general practitioners were seriouslylacked. The rural doctors were aging and there was also the problem of low academicbackground of health personnel. Although the technical health personnel had higheducational background, there was the problem inappropriate professional titles.Moreover, there were vacancies for registered nurses who were seriously needed. Thenumbers of health professionals, practicing (assistant) doctors, and registered nursesper1000persons reached the national average. The numbers of Health Technicians,practicing (assistant) doctors, and registered nurses were reasonable based on theoverall size of the population; however these personnel were geographicallyinappropriately distributed.
Keywords/Search Tags:human resources for health, situation, allocation, equity
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