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Study On The Satisfaction Rates Of Rural Residents About Health Service And Factors In Changchun City

Posted on:2013-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330395959361Subject:Public Health
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:China has established the county and township (town) and village levels,preventive medical care networks, health clinic set up at the village and township(town) has hospitals, county health services organizations County General Hospitaland the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. The establishment of the threepreventive medical care network can provide a full range of preventive health servicesfor rural residents, rural residents at the same time meet the different medical needs.County and township (town), village level health service agencies and organizationsconstitute the rural health service system. Requirements of our existing rural healthservice system generally in line with the effectiveness of health services and theeconomy, but also at the same time, there are some noteworthy problems shouldactively explore solutions to adapt to the socialist market economy under theconditions of the health service system requirements. Existing health service resourcesto find out the existing problems in rural health service system, a reasonable andeffective adjustment of domestic scholars have adopted the health service satisfactionindicators to evaluate the rural health service delivery performance, so as tocontinuously improve rural the quality of health services, and establish and improverural health service system, improve the health of the people, safeguard socialharmony and stability and economic development.With the social and economic development, rural residents increasing demand forhealth services, more and more concerned about the quality of health services ruralresidents accepted. The health service satisfaction is one of the important indicators ofthe evaluation of the quality of medical services, and to a certain extent reflect themedical needs of the residents’ potential. The health service satisfaction is to produce some kind of expectations due to the requirements of the disease, health, and qualityof life, medical, health care and other health services, then comparison after theformation of the emotional state reflect the actual experience of the medical andhealth care service [1]. The literature shows that most of the researchers areinvestigating the health service satisfaction evaluation for community residents, rarelyreflect the rural residents of the health service satisfaction evaluation articles. Notonly that, most of the domestic researchers satisfaction indicators of basic healthservices to residents as the only health service evaluation criteria. Public healthservices as an important part of our health service, but few scholars to conductin-depth investigations from the point of view of the residents for the evaluation of thepublic health service satisfaction.Jilin Province health services continue to move forward, but there are still manyproblems. Basic satisfaction for rural health services research is still in its infancy. Isessential to the work of the health service satisfaction of Jilin Province, is of greatsignificance. By the survey are satisfied with the satisfaction of basic health servicesand public health services for rural residents in Changchun City, describe andcompare the satisfaction of Changchun City, Jilin Province, the other cities ofdifferent indicators, analysis of the impact of the satisfaction of the residents of ruralhealth services. factors, and to explore ways and means to improve the quality of ruralhealth services, and to make recommendations for a reasonable configuration ofhealth resources in rural areas, improve the level of health of rural residents.Methods:In the existing literature on finishing analysis, according to our province ruralresidents health service status establishment questionnaire, using the data Epidata3.1double entry, the data were strict screening and summary. The SPSS18.0software tomaterial was analyzed by descriptive analysis and logistic regression analysis.Results:Changchun of rural residents’ overall satisfaction was35.7%(335/936), andother cities in the province rural residents’ overall satisfaction was33.0%(125/379); Changchun rural residents think that the average for the proportion of45.7%(428/936), and other city rural residents think that the average population proportionis56.7%(215/379); Changchun rural residents are not satisfied in the proportion ofthe population was18.4%(173/936), other cities are not satisfied with the proportionof10.3%(39/379).In have their own health files of rural residents in Changchun city, the healthrecords the highest satisfaction index was57.5%(173/301), the second is participatedin free physical examination to the satisfaction of the inhabitants of medical52.7%(167/317), of chronic disease management service satisfaction was45.5%(145/319),the immunization service satisfaction was43.7%(409/936), women’s health caresatisfaction was32.6%(305/936). Satisfaction is the lowest health educationsatisfaction was29.8%(279/936). In have their own health files of other cities in theprovince rural residents, the health records the highest satisfaction index was43.9%(68/155), the second is of chronic disease management service satisfaction47.4%(82/173), the immunization service satisfaction was34.0%(129/379), participated infree physical examination to the satisfaction of the inhabitants of medical32.6%(56/172), satisfaction is the lowest health care for women’s satisfaction was23.5%(89/379) and health education to the satisfaction of22.4%(85/379).Logistic regression of Changchun city rural residents were the main factorswhich influence the satisfaction for villages and towns medical equipment and in thecounty hospital convenience degree. The villages and towns medical equipmentinfluence strength maximum, followed by county hospital convenience degree.Conclusion:Our province rural residents of different cities to the village health clinic medicalequipment and drug kinds of status expressed dissatisfaction, all in the villages andtowns medical institutes of the price of the highest satisfaction, in the county hospitalsee a doctor price and drug kinds of satisfaction is the highest, to see a doctorconvenient degree of satisfaction minimum. Satisfaction through rural rural Changchun and other cities in the province, in themanner of distribution of demographic characteristics, medical insurance, basic healthservices and public health services in all aspects of analysis and comparison. As canbe seen, Changchun City, rural residents expressed dissatisfaction with the status quoof medical equipment and medicines species of village clinics and township hospitalsfor medical treatment price highest satisfaction highest satisfaction of the countyhospital doctor prices and types of drugs, treatment ease lowest satisfaction. Thesatisfaction of the rural residents in Changchun City health records is very high, butthe degree of their needs was very low. Satisfaction of health education services at alow level, however, the need for its degree of rural residents in Changchun City but ata higher level. The planned immunization services for children and women healthservices is the Changchun City, rural residents need health services, the age of the theLogistic regression screened satisfaction of rural residents in Changchun City, themain factors affecting the service object, the township medical equipment in thecounty hospital treatment ease. Which affect the strength of the township medicalequipment, followed by the convenience of the county hospital. Therefore, healthauthorities should use the policy and technical support, to devote greater efforts tostrengthen rural health services, health agencies focus on improving the level ofhardware facilities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural health service, Satisfaction, Influencing factors, Changchun City
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