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Survey On The Current Status Of Rehabilitation For Disabled Person And Strategies In Heilongjiang

Posted on:2013-11-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J BaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330395459371Subject:Public Health
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The rehabilitation for disabled is the important route to help the disabled personrecovering or compensate the activities, improve the quality of life, and enhance theability of social participation. It’s the core and basis of work for the disabled. It’s theimportant measure to promote the construction of a harmonious society. Recently, thedevelopment of disabled rehabilitation has obtained some achievements. However,there are some problems and outcomes in our province, for the less economic growth.Objectives: To understand the status and need of disabled rehabilitation,formulate relevant measures, and promote the disabled rehabilitation work.Methods: According to the new round monitoring scheme of national disabledperson (2011) and the informations of the second china national sample survey ondisability, we selected44residential areas form22county in11prefecture-level cityto monitor the statusof rehabilitation for disabled person. The monitor involved thecharacteristics of disabled, category, rehabilitation service, rehabilitation demand,medical insurance and social services. Epidata3.0and SPSS13.0were used in theanalysis.Results: We monitored1058subjects, and ten cases was loss to follow-up. Theratio of male-to-female is133.40:100. Thirty three subjects was low than18years old,with the mean age of9.94.58;1015subjects was218years old, with the mean ageof56.2±15.89. Of them,3.1%belonged to <18age-group,56.1%belonged to18~59age-group and40.8%was260years old. The Han nationality accounted for96.8%.The agricultural household accounted for62.0%. The number of multiple disabilitieswas75(7.2%). The single disability was973. Of them, the biggest proportion wasphysical disabilities (44.9%), followed by hearing disabilities (17.7%), visiondisabilities (13.1%), intelligence disability (9.0%), mental disability (6.3%) andspeech disability (1.8%).About20.2%accepted rehabilitation services with one year, with the higher ratioin non-agricultural than that in agricultural household (8.5%vs.39.4%). Therehabilitation knowledge popularization was highest in all accepted services (8.30%), followed by residents service, day care and foster (8.21%), rehabilitation therapy andtraining (5.25%), training for disabled and its relatives and friends (1.72%),configuration of auxiliary appliance (1.15%), psychological counseling (0.95%),assessment of diagnosis and needs (0.86%) and follow-up and evaluation (0.48%).There were151vision disabilities, including14multiple disabilities, accountingfor13.1%in all disabled. The age group of <18,18~59and260accounted for3.3%,43.1%and53.6%respectively. The Han nationality accounted for97.4%. Theagricultural household accounted for64.2%. Any vision disabilities didn’t receive theorientation and training within one year. Only five persons received operativetreatment. Nearly one year136people did not use any auxiliary appliance (90.1%).Twelve and Three accepted typoscope and blind crutch respectively.There were235hearing disabilities, including49multiple disabilities,accounting for22.4%in all disabled. The age group of <18,18~59and260accounted for1.7%,37.4%and60.9%respectively.65.4%of adults was in marriage.Within one year only sixteen received hearing auxiliary appliance and hearingrehabilitation training and guidance.There were62speech disabilities, including43multiple disabilities, accountingfor5.9%in all disabled. The age group of <18,18~59and260accounted for11.3%,72.6%and16.1%respectively. The agricultural household accounted for72.6%. Ofall cases, eleven adopted oral communication; twenty-one adopted oral and gesturescommunication; four communicated by writing and three adopted oral and writing.Within one year only two received speech rehabilitation training and guidance.There were501physical disabilities, including30multiple disabilities,accounting for47.8%in all disabled. The age group of <18,18~59and260accounted for1.4%,59.7%and38.9%respectively. The agricultural householdaccounted for61.1%. Within one year only eleven received physical adjust.91usedphysical auxiliary appliance. Of them,78.0%used crutches;18.7%used wheelchairs;18.7%used wheelchairs,3.3%used self-service device;6.6%used artificial limb and3.3%use orthotics. Within one year,11.2%anticipated community and familytraining and guidance, and0.6%anticipated physical rehabilitation training.There were117intelligence disabilities, including23multiple disabilities,accounting for11.1%in all disabled. The age group of <18,15~59and260 accounted for12.8%,78.7%and8.5%respectively. The agricultural householdaccounted for71.8%. Among the adults, only36.3%was in marriage. Of all cases,only thirteen received intelligence rehabilitation training and guidance.There were71mental disabilities, including5multiple disabilities, accountingfor6.8%in all disabled. The age group of <18,18~59and260accounted for4.2%,77.5%and18.3%respectively. The agricultural household accounted for57.7%.Among the adults,63.2%was in marriage. One of <18age-group and43of218age-group received psychiasis. Community and family drug therapy took the biggestproportion (49.3%) in all therapies, followed by outpatient treatment (5.6%) andinpatient treatment (5.6%).1.4%was in withdraw status. Of all cases, only twelvereceived rehabilitation training, with one of occupational or farming therapy, six ofpsychological counseling, five of daily care and foster and there of others. Thesatisfaction degree of rehabilitation in the six disabilities showed that4.4%was verygood,35.9%was proper good,57.5%was modest and2.2%was futile.In the <18age-group, only six disabled children gained the minimum livingallowance without any life subsidy, Two children or their family have got benefit. Inthe218age-group,29.7%got the minimum living allowance,43people obtained lifesubsidy, and18.4%received benefit within a year. There were27cases withagricultural household cases in <18age-group.88.9%of them participated the newrural cooperative medical care. All non-agricultural children didn’t participate theurban basic social insurance. In the218age-group, the proportion of anticipating thenew rural cooperative medical care, the new rural cooperative endowment insurance,urban basic social insurance, primary endowment insurance, primary medicaltreatment, unemployment insurance, employment injury insurance, and birthinsurance was92.8%,47.8%,96.0%,88.5%,96.0%,7.48%,5.75%and0.6%respectively.12.1%of urban residents attended the urban resident basic endowmentinsurance and79.1%of them participated in the urban resident basic medicalinsurance.The <18age-group showed a high need of life assistance, education assistance,medical assistance and rehabilitation assistance, while218age-group showed moreneed in life assistance and medical assistance. The overall demand rate in adult was25.3%. In all subjects, the highest need was life assistance (61.9%), followed bymedical assistance (53.3%), rehabilitation assistance (26.0%) and education assistance (9.7%).Only139people had accepted the disabled services from community or village,accounted for13.3%. The acceptance rate of knowledge popularization washighest(9.26%),, followed by rehabilitation services (6.48%), the living productionservices (4.20%), vocational skills training service (0.38%) and education cultureservice (0.48%).Conclusions:1. The characteristics of the disabled in our province were: moremale than female;3.1%of <18years,56.1%of18~59age-group and40.8%of260years old;62.0%of agricultural household; higher in marriage. Multiple disabilitiesaccounted for7.2%. Among the single disabled, physical disability accounted for thelargest proportion, followed by hearing disability, visual disability, mental disabilityand mental disability and speech disability.2. The acceptance rate of rehabilitationservices was low, especially in agricultural household. Rehabilitation knowledgepopularization was highest of all accepted services, followed by residents service, daycare and foster, rehabilitation therapy and training, training for disabled and itsrelatives and friends, configuration of auxiliary appliance, psychological counseling,assessment of diagnosis and needs and follow-up and evaluation.3. The rehabilitationstatus in our province is not optimistic, for the reason of low auxiliary applianceconfiguration, low rehabilitation training, less understanding of rehabilitationknowledge and underdeveloped economic factors.4. Economic factors restricted thedevelopment of rehabilitation.5. The participation of medical insurance was high. Thescale of medical assistance still need to extend.6. People can’t realize the function ofcommunity rehabilitation. We should focused on community rehabilitation in thefuture.
Keywords/Search Tags:The disabled, rehabilitation, strategies
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