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Study On Health Resources Allocation And Health Planning Of Medical Institutions In Fuyang City

Posted on:2013-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W W JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330374984329Subject:Social Medicine and Health Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objectives Since the health resources that can be utilized in every country are limitedand rare,allocating health resources reasonably has become the first importantquestion of the health reformation in each country. The aims of this study are toanalyze the medical institutions’ distribution, the allocation status of medicalappliances and medical human resources, to allocate scientifically medical institutionsof Fuyang City on the basis of the health service functions of various medicalinstitutions, the national standard of medical resources’ allocation and the status ofeconomics and population.Methods In order to conclude the status of health care in the surveyed families, aself-designed questionaire was made to convey some households randomly in FuyangCity; A self-filled table was designed and used universally to investigate thedistribution of medical resources of medical institutes in Fuyang City; The databasewas set up and the data was analyzed on basis of EpiData3.1; Excel2003andSPSS13.0were applied in this study to descriptively analyzed the status of residents’health resources and the allocation of medical institutions’ resources.Results⑴There was a large quantity of population which primarily consist ofagricultural population and aged population in Fuyang City, while the level ofresidents’ culture was low and the prevalence of diseases was high;⑵Most hospitalswere in the area of Fuyang City especially in Yingzhou, while most primary healthcare agencies were in the counties of Fuyang;⑶The numbers of hospitals’ medicalappliances and the numbers of hospitals’ medical appliances per thousand populationin Yingzhou were the most, while the numbers of primary health care agencies’medical appliances in Yingzhou were the least, and the numbers of hospitals’ medicalappliances and the numbers of hospitals’ medical appliances per thousand population in Linquan County were the least;⑷The numbers of medical beds per thousandpopulation was lower than the national standard in most regions of Fuyang Cityexcept for Yingzhou;⑸The numbers of doctors/assistant doctors and registerednurses per thousand population didn’t reach the national standard in most regions ofFuyang City except for Yingzhou;⑹T he quantity of various medicalhumanresources in Fuyang City didn’t match the demand of medical service, and thestructure of human resource’s cultural degree and academic ranks were not reasonable.⑺A s Lorenz shown, the distribution equity ofinstitutions’ resources amongpopulation is uneven in Fuyang City.Conclusions⑴W e need to modifymoderately the medical institutions’ distributionaccording to entire planning of Fuyang city and basic situation of the population;⑵We should control the medical institutions’ appliances from macroscopic view,while allocate scientifically the quantity and category of the medical appliances;⑶We need to increase the investment into the resource of medical beds, and allocatescientifically the resources of medical beds;⑷W e should modifymoderately thestructure of medical institutions’ human resources, and improve the level of humanresources’ cultural degree and academic ranks;⑸We must make the regional planningof medical institutions’ resources to improve the efficiency of health service.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fuyang city, medical institutions, medical resources allocation, equity, regional health planning
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