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Reinforcement Design For The Ancient City Of Yongtai In Jingtai County Of Gansu Province

Posted on:2014-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B L MengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330398468722Subject:Geological engineering
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The soil site is of historical,artistic and scientific value of the cultural heritage in the history of mankind, which use soil as the main material for construction, China has long history and large territory, distributing many ancient ruins which have much important value of Archaeology and historical. After hundrend and thousands of years of geological forces, natural environment, such as repeated changes by temperature and humidity, wind,rain droplet erosion,flood scouring effect,many soil sites develop serious diseases of environmental geological,among of them have large areas of collapse, if not timely rescue, it could destroy forever. This paper from the point of view of the protection engineering, supported by the principle of "main of protection, rescue as first",combined with the practical engineering, conducted a comprehensive field investigation by the current situation、method of construction、environment、soil type and performance、diseases distribution and characteristics of the ancient city of Yongtai in Jingtai County of Gansu Province. We study on the physical properties of soil by field investigation and laboratory test, analyzing the main causes and types of disease of the ancient city of Yongtai, and putting forward the rescue reinforcement design methods and means of the ancient city of Yongtai to the different types of disease. The research achievement mainly has:(1) Physical properties researchThrough laboratory test, we study the engineering properties of the ancient city of Yongtai in Jingtai County of Gansu Province, such as dry density, composition of grain size, void ratio, disintegration rate, shear strength, tensile and compressive. Discovery of rammed earth to silt, disintegration rate greatly varies with different walls, dry density increased with the wall height. Only by understanding the differences in physical properties of soil, can take different in the rescue reinforcement design.(2) Causes of disease and type researchThe ancient city of Yongtai has special features and natural geographical environment, it is surrounded by large tracts of dry sand, the outside of wall is deeply effected by wind, rain, temperature erosion and man-made destruction. The most serious disease type is crack, collapse and undercutting.(3) Wall stability and reinforcement design researchThrough the analysis of the experiment, the western and the south wall are seriously damaged. According to the different types of disease, we take different measures to wall stability and put forward the rescue reinforcement design.In summery, it initially describes the reinforcement design of the ancient city of Yongtai in Jingtai County of Gansu Province. References and consults offered in the paper will be useful in prevention of soil site, and these are very instructive in reality.
Keywords/Search Tags:The ancient city of Yongtai in Jingtai County of Gansu Province, Soilsites, Cultural relic’s protection, Wall of stability, Reinforcement design
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