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The Applications Of Display Design In Cultural Themed Hotel

Posted on:2013-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M MinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330392456906Subject:Industrial design engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of economy, people’s consumption concept is constantlychanging as well as the needs of materia, culture and spirit. For example, when it comes tothe hotel industry, consumers not only expect to get an comfortable accommodation, butalso pursue the speciality, creativity and also the culture of the hotel. Accordingly, thetheme hotel comes into being at the right time to meet he market demand. Simultaneouslyas a new designing field, the art of display plays an vitally important role and is widelyused in the contemporary hotel design. It requires designers to high grade environment,according to the surrounding environment, process characteristics, the needs of functionand aestheticism etc, which play as an key factor in reflecting the characters of the hotelWith regards to the current situation, development and also the problems of thedomestic theme hotels, This article focuses on the application of the art of display inhistorial theme hotels. We start by introducing the overall concepts, dimensions and effectsof both the art of disply and theme hotel, to make clear the importance of the art of displayin building the culture of theme hotels. Afterwards, we take historial theme hotels asexample to sum up how to use the art of display, by pointing out the problems whichcomes out in using, and bring out the solutions as well. Then, I’ll link the theory withpractice, research the cases, and use the conclusions above to analyze the successful caseof Hangzhou AMAN Fa yun hotel to summarize its experience. At last, I’ll predict thetrend of domestic development of the art of display on the basis of social development ofour country.
Keywords/Search Tags:Culture, Themed hotel, The art of display
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