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Demand Survey And Development Model Research On Elderly Residence In Urban Of Yunnan Province

Posted on:2011-12-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
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The aging of population bring the profound impact to the society and economic development of our country, for example, the decrease of the labor force has put the heavy burden on pension system, and cause exhaustion of the social security and welfare. On the other hand, the rapid development of the economy and the improvement of people’s living standard also push up the demand of social security from pursuit of basic life necessities to the quality lifestyle in old people, which further aggravate the condition of the social security system. However, people have a consistent pursuit for the quality life and work in friendly environment with contentment which is also a basic requirement for everyone. So the six goals of a senior society are including:the availability of family support, medication, teaching, receiving education, working and entertainment of the elderly. Furthermore, the most important task is to provide housing for the senior citizens to enjoy the comfortable housing condition. Therefore, the study on the housing development pattern for the elder is significant and necessary.After China has entered into the stage of a senior society in1999, much effort has been made in solving and exploring the problems of a senior society. A working framework led by the government, participated by the entire society and providing care for the elderly has been set up. Moreover, the provincial and municipal governments also have established corresponding organization to lead and develop the local senior society project which great progress in proving a peaceful lifestyle, improving living standard, and extending the life of the elderly has achieved. However, due to the disparity of economic development, the quality of social security for the elderly varies in different regions. In Yunnan Province, which is located in the Southwest border area of China with undeveloped economy, the social security for the elders, esp. the housing development for the elder plays a significant role in the improvement of the whole social security system for the senior citizens. This paper is based on the living situation of Yunnan urban elders dwelling situation. Aiming to find the persistent problem existing by analyzing the experiences of other countries and using cases from part of developed area in China for reference. Then combining the real economy development level and traditional concept of retirement of Yunnan to find out a suitable way for developing the urban elders’ dwelling. In a word, it is aimed to improve the development of Yunnan urban elders’ dwelling, and improve the quality level of Yunnan urban elders’ dwelling to achieve the elders-tended goal of "six owned". This paper has discussed through the following six parts:Part one:set forth the background, goal and importance of this research, then set the position and the angle of this research by expounding those research results at home and abroad.Part two:find the theory of elders’ dwelling development and analyze the factors which influence the development of elders’ dwelling from theory of social security, Demand Theory, Activity theory, Elders’ subculture theory, and inspiration of the development of elders’ dwelling. Thereby, it has provided the scientific developing idea for the development, design and programming of elders’ dwelling. More than that, it provides the scientific theory basis to build the suitable dwelling house for elders. At the same time, it has analyzed the necessity of elders’ dwelling progress to provide the reasons for future development. Further it will clarify the importance of developing elder housing. However, the development of elders’ dwelling will contribute a lot to the progress of elderly industry and it will benefit the implement of "six own". Last but not least, it is helpful for the formation of the harmonious socialism society.Part three:by analyzing the development models of elders’ dwelling at home and abroad to give the reference to improve the elder dwelling in Yunnan urban areas. For the foreign elders’ dwelling development patterns, this paper will choose the high level developed countries such as, the America, which is the representative of west developed countries, Japan and Singapore are the representatives of Asia developed countries with traditional Asia retirement concept; However, in China this paper will choose Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai as representatives. By analyzing the essence of their development models and achievements to provide the train of thoughts to develop the Yunnan urban elder housing.Part four:based on the theory and practice reference mentioned above, further illustrate the residential status of elder housing in Yunnan Province to find the existing problems in the local elders’ dwelling, in order to select the right way to improve the elder housing of Yunnan. In this section, the author investigates the most developed city-Kunming in Yunnan province, and chooses the three business nature developmental models of elder housing to discuss the current developmental situation and relevant.Part five will analysis the restraint factors of Yunnan urban elders’ dwelling development combining with the situation of Yunnan economic development and social attitudes towards aging people support industry in Yunnan. Based on the comparison of economic development level and consumption level in Beijing, Shanghai, by using statistical methods make further analysis of direct market demand of Yunnan urban elders’ dwelling. Therefore the pattern for Yunnan urban elders’ dwelling development can be found. It should go priority of refit original dwelling for the elders and supplement with houses for the elder, such as:nursing homes etc. Moreover, it should also develop general and specialized residential community for the elders. Those initiatives will stimulate the development of Yunnan urban elders’ dwelling, lay the foundation for the development of Yunnan old-age care utilities and industry.Part six:In this part, the opportunities and challenges of the development of elder dwelling will be discussed. Along with the pattern for Yunnan urban elders’ dwelling development and the position and function of all the parties in developing urban elder’s dwelling in Yunnan.The unique merit of this research lies in ensuring the necessity of development of elder dwelling from the social security perspective; it provides the further discussion to the characteristics of elder housing and clarifies the indistinct recognition from review of Demand theory, Activity theory, and Elders’subculture theory. Through the grasp the essence of elder dwelling development models, characteristics of home and abroad cases to provide the experience to improve the elder housing. The outstanding point of this paper i to focus on the study of one province of our country-Yunnan province. From analyzing economic development, consumption level, traditional concept of retirement and the satisfaction index of elders’ dwelling by citizens of Yunnan province to determine the elder dwelling pattern of Yunnan and provide the reference for the investigation of domestic development regions of elder housing.The article has a sketchy, macroscopic, selective discussion in the development pattern of elders’ dwelling. However, the trend of elder housing development in Yunnan province and the numerical relationship between practical patterns, development scope with the influencing factors still need further and persistent research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yunnan province, elders’dwelling, development pattern, alternative
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