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Characters Elements In The Landscape Design Of The Application Research

Posted on:2013-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z S LiuFull Text:PDF
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Chinese modern design should be rooted in their own national culture, out of adesign of the road with the characteristics of the times, build character, nationalization,the era of the local style in the open international perspective. As a designer, mostChinese Characters with Chinese characteristics should be extracted and purified, itspenetration in the modern landscape design, creating a unique national temperament.Because the vitality of the design, the only nation in the world.Chinese character has a wealth of spatial manifestations, should be contemporarydesigners understand and use. Chinese characters landscape design should follow theformal beauty of the principles and rules, and gives a sense of rhythm and beat in avariety of visual elements in the design, in addition to the requirements of the respectivenecessary form of quality, it should be shaped from the Chinese character for reference,the potential inheritance.The final design demands of landscape design in the application of Chinesecharacters with Chinese characters to create a relatively complete and has a distinctiveChinese characteristics, in line with the people I place space needs. The culturalconnotations of the Chinese characters we can not ignore the design basis. A characterhas been able to be applied to landscape design, the most fundamental reason is theChinese character unique cultural connotation, and shaped by this connotation withgood recognition of the Chinese style, so we put the Chinese character elements appliedto the landscape design must be retained Chinese characters Chinese culturalconnotations.Chinese character elements to the landscape design, we can pursue thediversification of modern design style and form, but should not to give up the Chinesecharacters that are hosted by Chinese traditional culture, we must be applied to elementsof Chinese characters as a cultural element of the applicationlandscape design, but cannot abandon the Chinese character intention and isolated extract of Chinese charactersshape and the shape of the extracted simple as a symbol, rough handling, as contrary tothe original intention of the elements of the landscape design of the application ofChinese characters.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese character elements, Landscape Design, Inspire, Application
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