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New Rotary Mechanical And Electrical Integration Design And Development Of Current Meters

Posted on:2012-05-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330362971754Subject:Mechanical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China is a vast oceanic country, so it is very important for our country to use andprotect ocean resources. The reliable and stable marine equipment could provide usefulraw data for the survey and research. So this paper proposes a new equipment—mechatronics rotary current meter.This subject aims to improve shortages of the propeller-type current meter as soonas possible. Mechatronics rotary current meter takes advantage of new materials andnew technologies to achieve a new level performance. It increases the data accuracy ofmeasured velocity and the flow, and reduces the size and weight. It also reduces thedifficulty of the storing and reading of data. Because of these changes, the stability ofthe whole system is enhanced. This new equipment is contributed to the ocean marineequipment of China.The paper discusses in more detail about deficiencies and shortcomings of thepropeller-type current meter in our country, and this is the foundation of this subject.The new current meter are designed for portable, it mainly comprises of underwaterprobe, sub-water receiver and PC data processing software.Because of large volume of underwater probe, the following performance of thepropeller-type current meter is not good, and the measurement of velocity is seriouslyaffected. The mechatronics rotary current meter uses a new modeling technology, so thefollowing performance is highly improved. The import flow direction sensor is used tomeasure the flow direction, and jitter measurement data is effectively reduced with thehelp of software. Therefore, the precision and accuracy of data are guaranteed.The subject has taken the relevant technology for solving the followingperformance of underwater probe and the torque when laying cable. The probe and therod are separated, and PTFE (poly four-Fluoride) is used to self-lubricate between them.This can effectively release the torque in cable, enhance the following performance, andeliminate the inaccurate of flow direction caused by the torque.The collection and process of data have two parts—sub-water and under water.Underwater data acquisition and preprocessing is embedded in the underwater probe,and micro-power single chip is used to acquisition and transform velocity and flow datafrom the sensors. These raw data are passed through transmission cable, and thesub-water micro-power single chip receives, processes and displays them. Raw data can be passed to the sub-water PC through USB interface, and PC data processing softwarecould display flow velocity map, flow direction map, and other related reports. So, datamanagement of propeller-type current meter is improved, without having to manuallyinput data into computer, greatly reducing the workload of staff. It is easy to observe along-term measurement data which is acquisitioned at one point. That is a big help forresearchers studying ocean currents and reducing the big trouble of data process.
Keywords/Search Tags:Current meter, Structural Design, Rotary, Data process, Portable
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