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Urban Ecological Livable Degrees Evaluation Of The Major Cities In Shandong Province

Posted on:2014-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B B WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330398958133Subject:Human Geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Statistical Communique of Shandong Province, urbanization rate of the province in2011reached50.9%, the urbanization process into a period of rapid development, and will be quick tohighlight the disease in the later years of urbanization, therefore for the city livable degrees inthis the stage is particularly important.The18th National Congress of the CPC pointed out thatbuilding a new socialist China from the five aspects of economic, political, cultural, social,ecological, ecological livable urban construction adhere to the people-oriented, building a goodecological environment, livable urban environment, sustainable development, interpretation of“one of the five” new requirements from the point of view of the urban construction; the depth ofthe ecological livable city concept, content and features, rich theoretical study of the ecologicallivable city. Finally, an empirical analysis to Shandong Province livable urban construction hascertain practical significance.On the basis of the previous eco-city, livable urban studies, reference to the research ofothers livable city, Proposed a ecological livable city concept and degree evaluation indexsystem of17cities in Shandong Province,And use the entropy method, ranking of17citiesecological livable degrees and analysis of the results. Finally, the construction of these citiesecological livable recommendations available to the relevant authorities for decision-makingreference.This paper focuses on the issues:1, Systematic exposition the concept, feature of the ecological livable urban and connotation ofurban ecological livable degree.2, the establishment of evaluation index system suitable Shandong Province17cities ofecological livable degrees.3, Based on the of Shandong Province17cities ecological livable degrees evaluation, thefollowing conclusions were drawn: Shandong Province17ecological livable cities in unevenlevel, Geographically coastal areas higher; same ecological livable degrees, each index is not the same; economic factors is premise of the ecological livable urban building, but not the decidingfactor; economic development and urban ecological livable degrees hares.4,Shandong Province17cities ecological livable degrees Up gives relevant recommendations,as follows: improving the ecological environment, improve the beautiful ecological environmentemphasis on economic development; improve infrastructure to improve residents of affluentdegree; Improve infrastructure, improve living convenient level; improve education andscientific research ability; enrich the cultural life of residents; improve the social securitymechanism; emphasis on the construction of urban safety.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shandong province, Urban ecological livable degrees, Index system, Entropymethod
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