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Study On Comprehensive Management In Taihu Lake Basin Water Pollution

Posted on:2013-08-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y XiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330395460183Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Taihu Lake is located in the east coast of our country, south to the Yangtze RiverDelta, being one of the most developed areas in our country. In1980s, the lyrics "TaihuLake is beautiful, and the beauty is its water" have attracted millions of people.However, after decades of years, Taihu Lake encountered a reverse situation. With theoverall development of social and economy along the Taihu Lake Basin, there is anincreasing demand of water resource, as well as water quality. However, the waterpollution of Taihu Lake Basin has become more and more serious. It has become themost serious pollution in that watershed. Since1990s, the control of Taihu Lakepollution has made periodic effect under the concerted efforts of the central governmentand local governments. Though the condition of water pollution in Taihu Lake hasn’tbeen changed fundamentally, the control of Taihu Lake, where the economy developsfast and the degree of urbanization is high, as a shallow lake and slow-flow water islong-term, tough, and complicated.After experiencing the "zero action" in1998, and "cite the Yangtze to Taihu Lake"in2004, in2007, a burst of water crisis attacked Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. Because of theoutbreak of cyan bacteria, the tap water in Wuxi became smelly, not available to drink,seriously influenced the normal life of the local citizens. This water crisis attractedpeoples’ attention and rang the alarm of preventing water pollution."The crisis of cyanbacteria" warned us that Taihu pollution has presented a tendency of integration. Theproruption of water pollution not only raise the demand of emergency capability ofgovernment to deal with environmental problem, but also question the effect of waterpollution administration. The complexity of controlling water pollution in Taihu Lakenot only lies in the intersection of different pollution sources, the segmentation ofdifferent administrative area, but also several interregional departments. No one can be kept out of the affair.The management in Taihu Lake Basin water pollution has its own complexity,involving the division of three provinces and one city, namely Jiangsu, Zhejiang, andShanghai, and the division of departments. Since the point source of industry, sidesource of agriculture and fishing, multiple pollution of domestic waste waterinterrelated with each other, the management of Taihu Lake Basin water pollutionshould be with a view of the whole interest of the entire basin, considering theimplement of comprehensive system, mechanism and regulation. This thesis proposedthe harm of Taihu Lake Basin water pollution and the necessity of managing it byelaborating the condition of nature, social and economy on Taihu Lake Basin and thetransition of water quality, as well as the present condition of water pollution. It alsoanalyzed the control of water pollution home and abroad, and its practice in Taihu Lakewater pollution management, suggesting that the management of water pollution shouldbe viewed in a comprehensive perspective. This thesis also offered related suggestionsin terms of comprehensive system, mechanism and regulation. Taihu Lake watershed isthe core area of Yangtze River Delta, and the water crisis in this area has alreadybecome a constraint to its sustainable and harmonious development of economy.Solving the problem of water pollution in Taihu Lake area has relation to the overalldevelopment of social economy in Yangtze River Delta. It is significant and there is notime to delay.
Keywords/Search Tags:Taihu Lake Basin, water pollution, Comprehensive management
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