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The Study Of The Useing Of The The Executive Emergency Power In The Natural Disaster Events

Posted on:2013-10-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330374491509Subject:Science of Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China is one of the countries that often suffer natural disasters; natural disasters affect the development of economy, politics and society. The natural disasters have many different kinds, broad area, and a high rate of recurrence, and most of all it always make a large loss. It is a key step that how to grasp the solution to these disasters, A prerequisite executive power when we suffer these crises is the executive emergency power. The executive emergency power is a very important part in our state power system, and it is very useful that have a depth study on the executive emergency power.First, we should learn conceptions and theories of the natural disaster and the executive emergency power. Then we should learn the parts and protection factors of the emergency power when it plays its function. Secondly, we will learn the necessary and feasibility of the power. On the study of the necessary the essay will introduce much relational knowledge about the function of government crisis management, the protection of human rights, the attribute of the power, and crisis environment. On the other hand, about the study of the feasibility, the essay will introduce the theory and practice basis. Thirdly, the essay will discuss the situation of the power in our country, the essay will write advantages and disadvantages, then the essay will give some pieces of advice about how to improve efficiency. Finally, there are restrictions when government use the emergency power, On the study of these restrictions, the essay will give its points from different sides, such as the legislation, the judicature and the society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Natural disaster, The executive emergency power, Emergency
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