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The Research Of Supplier Evaluation And Selection From The Perspecitve Of Supply Chain Risk Management

Posted on:2013-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330374961544Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the beginning of the21st century, the progress of science and technologyincreased rapidly, the range of new technologies' application increased widely, productsand services have become more demanding, markets and competition are graduallymoving towards globalization and internationalization. In this context, supply chainmanagement has got unprecedentedly attention and application. Because, supply chainmanagement reduce operating costs and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprisesgreatly. However it also brings some adverse effects at the same time, especiallymultinational Manufacturing industry, due to the multi-regional distribution,multi-subjectivity and multi-hierarchy of its supply chain, the supply chain risks arevery hard to detect. The supply chain risks and uncertainties may be everywhere, aswell as the seriousness of the risk consequences. It poses a great challenge to thebusiness security of the multinational Manufacturing enterprises. In this case, how toensure the operating safety, how to prevent and control the risk of supply chaineffectively is becoming one of the most important issues of the multinationalManufacturing enterprises to be solved.As an important component of the supply chain, supplier is not only the finalcontroller of the supply chain risks, but also the source of the risks. It plays a key role inthe preventing and controlling of the entire supply chain risks. Therefore, evaluate thesupplier' risks scientifically, effectively and comprehensively, and then establish asupply chain system securely, stably and efficiently, are one of the most important waysto prevent and control the supply chain risks for the multinational Manufacturingenterprises. This is also the content and significance of this paper.First, the paper gives a detailed analysis and presentation of the supply chain whichthe suppliers in, especially the scope and characteristics of the of supply chainmanagement system, for they play an important effect to the risk level of the suppliers;Second, the paper discussed and analyzed the supply chain risks in-depth, including thetype, characteristics of the supply chain risks, as well as the control theory andmethods. On this basis, Combined the previous research results, the paper constructedthe index system to evaluate the supplier' risks especially for the multinationalManufacturing enterprises, it constitutes7key indexes and20subsidiary indexes,including the quality risk, technology risk, information risk etc; Finally, the paper usingthe model of AHP and membership cloud gravity center (MCGC) to evaluate thesupplier's risks comprehensively. And applied the model to evaluate one of the coresupplier A of the EPSON printer division, it verified the feasibility and practicality ofthe theories and models. Considering the background of Supply chain management, the paper brought up ascientific and rational supplier risk assessment method from the supply chain riskcontrol perspective. During the selection of the indexes, the paper Combined both thequalitative and quantitative elements, but using the quantitative analysis as far aspossible. In this way, both to draw on the experience and wisdom of the corporatedecision-makers and experts, but also to avoid subjective evaluation and selection tosome extent; In the model application, AHP and MCGC evaluation model has the meritsof simple, easy to operate. Overall, this paper has an important application value andpractical significance in evaluating supplier' risks, and help Multinationalmanufacturing companies to prevent and control supply chain risks.
Keywords/Search Tags:Supply Chain, Supply Chain Risk Management, Supplier Evaluation, CloudTheory, MCGC
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