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The Comparative Study Of Regional Differences In Consumer Behavior

Posted on:2012-11-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330368983879Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the expansion of the global financial crisis, how to expand domestic demand are often discussed in private and official ways while the export have been greatly depressed. And the Administration and some domestic academics have given a lot of solutions to this issue. This thesis studies the typical theory for customer consumption, as well as analyzes the consumption differences between regions of China through the datum in recent years. At the end, it puts forward some political advices on expanding consumer demand.In essence, the expansion of domestic demand is to stimulate the consumption of domestic residents, to maximize the growth of domestic consumption contributed to the national economy. For now, the economic development situations and the consumption behaviors present rather uneven in regions, especially between the high developed eastern coastal areas and relatively backward western inland. In retrospect, the administration was used to investing resources in eastern China and districts with better economic base, in order to achieve high economic growth, which led to the long-term backwardness of western regions. There has been a distinct gap even since the Western Development Strategy.The comparisons are made on the GDP of several major cities. By ratio of consumption increase to GDP increase, thesis gets to know that the consumption contribution rate is not that stable. Based on the comparative analysis of regional consumption characteristics, we find the following phenomenon in China. 1, the income and consumption gap between eastern and western regions were gradually widen in recent years. 2, The average propensity to consume were gradually decreased, especially in the eastern region. 3, The consumption confidence decreased in order from east to west. 4, The expenditure on education and health care has a strong crowding-out effectAccording the above analysis, this thesis draws several conclusion as recommendations. Firstly, the income gap between east and west should be timely narrowed down. Secondly, efforts should be made to expand employment and reemployment, so as to adjust the initial distribution. Thirdly, the administration should increase capital investment in social security and make social security funds more effective. At last, the consumer credit market should be improved, which could lead to the increase of consumer inclination.
Keywords/Search Tags:consumption behavior, regional differences, consumption contribution rate, domestic demand
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