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Employee Training System Redesign Of XX Bank Based On Knowledge Management

Posted on:2012-08-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330368496651Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the society of knowledge economy, pattern of economic development depended by resources and capital in the past will gradually lose their effectiveness, knowledge will change frome the external variables to the inner core element of economic growth. Knowledge will be an important factor in promoting social development from a macro perspective as a basic resource. Knowledge promote organizational innovation in organization.Knowledge is wealth, power, which has become the consensus of the people in knowledge-based economy. Many organizations change from the traditional functions of management, resource management to knowledge management.There was a lot of research about knowledge management in business management theorist in later 1990s and even some researchers think that knowledge management is the world's second largest revolution in business management after Taylor's scientific management theory. Many large companies spend lots of money to carry out knowledge management practices, it is learned, more than half of the world's largest 500 companies have established their own internal knowledge management system, used the implementation of knowledge management.This paper will construct of employee training system based on knowledge management, in order to let XX bank realize sharing knowledge and using, then creating new knowledge. Though training, sharing knowledge and creating new knowledge will make XX bank growing and easily reply the chance and challenge in knowledge economy.This paper has 4 parts:ChapterⅠ, introduction. This part presents the history of knowledge economy and knowledge management, describes theoretical meanings and practical values, research aims and research methods and research frameworkChapterⅡ, relevant concept and theoretical literature review. The concept of knowledge, knowledge management, train is defined. The different and relation between data, information and knowledge are clear, there are three kinds of researchers in knowledge management:behavior, technology, both of them. This part discusses relationship between train and knowledge management.ChapterⅢ,analysis of employee training system of XX bank. First, the condition of whole employee and employee training of XX bank are introduced, and then analyses and discribe problems in training system, finds reasons of these problems.Chapter IV,redesign of employee training system of XX bank based on knowledge management. Good experiences of other bank in same industry and relative industry are introduced. Employee training system of XX bank is regulated based on knowledge management in order to enhance the use of training and improve knowledge application degree.
Keywords/Search Tags:Employee Training, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Sharing
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