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Study On Wusuli River Tourism Development Of River Basins

Posted on:2012-06-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330338971366Subject:Human Geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of society, the tourism industry has become a global economic development momentum in the most robust and one of the largest industries. Tourism in the development of social economy industry status, economic role of economy, the tourism industry is gradually increases the drawing, social employment of culture and environment and driving force of an increasingly important role in promoting. 2009 November 25th, the state council through the opinion on speeding up the development of tourism, the tourism "point out to develop the national economy and people's strategic pillar industries of modem service industry more satisfied. According to the world tourism organisation expects, 2015, China will become the world's top tourism destination country. China's tourism industry will be more mature attitude into a new historical stage of development, and further become a national pillar industries. Meanwhile, the tourism cooperation between different regions and more frequently, then rise of river basin development tourism has become a new hotspot. Based on modified river basins tourism development in reference for the study of the core, domestic and foreign typical watershed tourism development based on the successful experience of this basin, deeply analyzes the regional development base, tourism resources situation and tourism development present situation, and then put forward the strategy of the valley and tourism development ideas, and that the relevant conclusions. Full text is divided into seven parts.The introduction of the main introduces the research scope, paper research background, significance, domestic and foreign tourism research, Wusuli River watershed tourism development of river basins status quo and this research contents, methods and technical route, the following parts for the paper establishes the foundation. The second part in the basin, the related theory of tourism research for the basin is discussed, providing a theoretical basis for tourism development. Third, four or five sections as the basis for an essay analysis section, including the third part mainly outlines the world and China's typical watershed tourism development mode, the fourth part analyzes the river basins Wusuli River resources and make evaluation of tourism development, the fifth part of the market and made further analysis. The sixth into the main content of this study, puts forward the Wusuli River river basins tourism development ideas, mode and countermeasures. Finally the conclusion summarized the main conclusion, the paper and bits of innovative points. Wusuli River basins tourism development has the important practical significance and application value, theoretically filled the Wusuli River tourism development of river basins for future research gaps, tourism development of river basins Wusuli River provides theoretical and practical reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wusuli River basins, Watershed travel, Tourism development
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