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Integrated Monitoring System For Chemical Companies Applied Research And Software Development

Posted on:2012-09-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2218330368997672Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the petrochemical industry is an industry with high dangers, the characteristics that its hazardous chemicals are flammable, explosive, toxic and corrosive will also bring some negative effects to human's life and living and environment for development, if handled improperly or lack of management, severe chemical incidents will take place, which will cause grave danger to mankind. Moreover, chemical incidents often suddenly occur with a large area, if the rescue method taken is not proper, it will be difficult to control incident spot, and the status may even be escalatedAccording to actual status of petrochemical enterprise, mainly based on existing automation system, information system and production management demand, this thesis conducts a detailed design of function modules of integrated production monitoring information system platform. And establish a unified information platform by investing software and hardware, and optimizing and integrating existing information system per demand on production management information; establish unified data connection standards and auxiliary system, so all production units can integrate production data information flow; establish a unified service platform, establish a database and record information during production; after establishing basic hardware system, collectively monitor important production data via software platform. The thesis elaborates on system analysis, design and implementation etc.Testing of integrated monitoring and commanding platform system can be arranged per project demand analysis and system design manual, relevant users are to carry out the testing per planned schedule, seriously confirm the testing results of each function, keep testing records and issue tracking, developers are to timely modify, optimize and complete system function according to issues identified in the testing, to lay a solid foundation for successfully putting the system on line.
Keywords/Search Tags:Petrochemical, chemical accidents, integrated monitoring system
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