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Teaching Quality Monitoring System

Posted on:2012-05-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L FangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2218330368498436Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Quality is the lifeline of education, improve teaching quality is the core of school work, and the goal of vocational education reform and development. With the enrollment of vocational students, the students'origins continue to change to vocational education with great difficulty, so to improve the quality of teaching, strengthen the monitoring of teaching is one of the methods, which improve teaching quality assurance system of the vocational schools. With the embedded technology development, a variety of emerging mobile devices, full use of modern technology to establish teaching monitoring system.Firstly, to collecting monitoring information, which affect the quality of teaching, and then analysis them, which contain teaching plans,teacher evaluation,student evaluation. By researching the network information technology and Windows CE technology, established client / server model of network topology, and also established a target device and mobile distribution network database platform. Because of the fast speed and good user interaction of ASP.NET, so developing the System with VS2005 as B / S structure development tools, with WINDOWS CE operating system as mobile terminal equipment, with SQL Server 2005 as back-end database. Setting up the networking hardware and software platform, then the overall system and database design, finally to develop and implement the system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Quality Control, ASP.NET, Windows CE, SQL Server
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