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Research And Implementation Of Remote Training System Based On J2EE

Posted on:2012-08-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2218330338970973Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of information technology knowledge-based economy, the development of computer technology and computer network is more and more mature, the new mode of transmission which rely on the multimedia technology and network communication technology are more and more influencing and changing people's study life. The rapid development of computer technology and continuous improvement of information infrastructure, also provides a good basis for government departments to implement network training on governmental cadre. Compared with the traditional face-to-face and homework in the training mode, the mode through the Internet as the main means of cadre training has an incomparable advantage that traditional face-to-face training cannot reach. Contemporary and distance training on governmental cadres can solve the limitations of traditional face-to-face training mode, can satisfy institutions'and trainee's training needs, provide abundant resources, create a convenient, active, freedom learning platform for learners.According to a actual project, cadre training management system of Administrative departments for industry and commerce of Tianjin city as an example. The purpose of this project is because the location of branches and its agencies in administrative departments for industry and commerce system are dispersed, which is inconvenient for personnel concentration, implementation of centralized training. Considering of this, in order to do the internal training and assessment in the institution, to achieve all-weather, all-round training and management on cadre of administrative departments for industry and commerce of Tianjin city, this system is developed.The responsible administrative department not only can control the status of cadre student through this system, such as student cadre's personal information, learning process, learning achievement, but also can control courseware, and do analysis on information and data. Student cadres can select course online, learn online, do work online, take examination online, communicate online, query their study progress and the study achievements, etc. by single point login system.This paper mainly studies the distance cadre training system of government departments. The system is based on J2EE, with Yale University CAS as the single sign-on authentication, external management functions to provide the user interface. As a standard middleware system structure, J2EE provides a standardized, modular, reusable component technology development framework, and provides a standard, modular, reusable component technology development, with excellent independence of platform and maneuverability. The design of system adopts four-layer architecture: client layer, Web server layer, business logic layer and information system layer. According to the requirements of the life cycle of the software, this paper systematically elaborates the entire course of establishing cadre training management system of administrative departments for industry and commerce of Tianjin city. Firsly it briefly introduces the background, purpose, development trend, the related design theory and technology used; and then makes a comprehensive analysis on the system; later elaborates the characteristics and processing method of cadre training system; and finally describe each function module and sub-modules. As to the overall design of the platform for system, development method and the design of database are illustrated to the point. Finally, the key to the detailed introduction and design of single point login sub-system module of the distance training system.To ensure that the system is advanced, expansible, standard and open, its compatibility and easy maintenance, the system adopts uncoupled framework design, so as to guarantee independent running capability, to provide convenient software upgrades.This system is now being used in administrative departments for industry and commerce of Tianjin city, which realize the net in training cadre of industrial and commercial bureau, promoted the construction of learning-oriented organization in industrial and commercial bureau.
Keywords/Search Tags:J2EE, Rmote Training, B/S Structure, Management Information System
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