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On The Social Service Of University Laboratory

Posted on:2012-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2217330368979885Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Institutions of higher learning has three basic functions of the personnel training, scientific research, social services. University laboratory as an integral part of higher education, also has its three functions. Personnel training is the fundamental mission of higher education; scientific research is an important function of higher education; and social services are an extension of the functions of higher education.University laboratory to perform the functions of social services, not only to contribute to society, can also promote their own scientific development. Talent-intensive universities, experts, many scholars in many disciplines occupy the front edge. However, the functions of the decision of the university colleges and universities also must be closely linked social and economic development for social development and provide intellectual support for efforts to promote transformation of research results effectively to local economic and social development and make due contributions. This requires universities to play a good laboratory personnel, equipment, management and other advantages, namely to teach knowledge, bury ourselves in scientific research, but also out of school, do community service. But also to advance the integration of universities and research laboratories, improve social services, promote the university's own development in-depth thinking. As the development of economic entities, colleges and universities only to take the initiative, rather than passively waiting to grab the market and development opportunities, improve service quality, adequate access to social and corporate recognition. University Laboratory for the community through the provision of services to gradually integrate into society, to expand the university laboratory in the community impact, which the university laboratory of survival and development is very beneficial. Text is divided into five parts: PartⅠdescribes the purpose and significance of the topics of this paper, the relevant theory and research ideas. Social services to the university laboratory definition of related concepts are discussed and theoretical basis, to public goods and public services, social services perspective of the university laboratory to make a theoretical elaboration.PartⅡis from our university laboratory development status of social services, service models, service model needs status and the choice of four aspects, social services, laboratory analysis of the status quo of China's colleges and universities.PartⅢis the importance of efforts against the government, social services, their own negative factors that make our university laboratory three social service problems.PartⅣis based on the part of the problem, proposed to enhance the capacity of our colleges and universities to solve social services, laboratory measures, which play a leading role in government, university laboratories to expand our social services, improve social services, supporting university laboratory conditions.PartⅤconcludes the paper and made paper deficiencies.
Keywords/Search Tags:University, Laboratory, Social Service
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