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Ideological And Moral Education Of Students' Autonomous Learning Analysis

Posted on:2012-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
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Scholars at home and abroad to learn the meaning of their own have not formed a unified understanding, but basically that is student-centered self-learning the essential features. This said, the self-learning is a teaching method, is relative, is the concept of lifelong education requirement is a necessary requirement for school education. Affect students' self-study and external factors and internal factors, external factors are school, family and socio-cultural factors in three categories, internal factors include the learner's learning foundation, motivation, self-efficacy, meta-cognitive processes and emotional aspects.Junior high school students self-learning opportunities and the development of three challenges facing the two Opportunities as follows: First, the junior high school students awareness, self-development self-study prepared for the internal conditions, and second teaching practices can help promote students' independent learning. Challenges as follows: First, junior high school students to enhance their own intrinsic motivation to learn, but not stable, two in junior high school students learning strategies significantly improved, but the development is not perfect, three junior high school students to monitor and regulate their own learning, but not endure. Junior high school students self-learning is also facing three negative factors: First, as the psychological development of the immature, they do not tend to spontaneously self-study, and second, middle phase of the teaching and learning conditions for students to self-learning guidance provided is not satisfactory, three is sometimes used in junior secondary teachers in teaching do not seem to encourage students to self-learning. Thus, self-learning is the formation mechanism of junior high school students of ideological and moral requirements, but also the process of moral teaching junior high school requirements.In junior high school moral teaching in the implementation of self-learning, instruction must be strengthened. First, establish a student-centered philosophy, the creation of self-learning teaching and learning environment, the second is to improve students' self-efficacy, self-study students the confidence and the third is to enhance meta-cognitive training, to enhance students learning self-control, four are motivation to play an active role in the system, to enhance students' self- learning initiative, the five is to explore ways of learning autonomy, providing students with opportunities for independent study. There are a lot of self-learning teaching model, common mainly in the following aspects: identification of teaching objectives, stimulate motivation, self-learning, self-examination,discussion. Independentlearning in junior high school moral teaching of the basic steps are: to guide students to set learninggoals, studentself-knowledge, learning materials,learning self-examination, to highlight the teachers, and classroom exercises to consolidate summary.Work in conjunction with their teaching and research practice, observe a lot by Lesson, and a case study of a group of successful teaching, a certain theory, selected eighth-grade "moral character" ( Jiang Su People's Publishing House published in 2010) Lesson 20 as a topic, design a self-study of teaching cases, along with related analysis shows. This case as the carrier seeks to further explain the research involved in the basic theory and teaching practice can provide are ference.
Keywords/Search Tags:independent study, Ideological and moral education
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