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The Research Of Zhao Ruirong And HuiMu ShanFang Poetry Anthology

Posted on:2012-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q YeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330368979403Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Zhao Ruirong (1761-1826) was born in Dongyang city, Zhejiang Province. Zhao family of Dongyang has a profound family tradition and learning, which Zhao Ruirong began to learn since his childhood. Under the patronage of his elder generations in Zhao family, all his talents revealed without omission in his youth, and he passed the highest imperial examination in 55-year of Qianlong Era. Zhao Ruirong lived in the period of Qianlong Era (the third emperor's reign in Qing Dynasty), Jiaqing Era (the forth emperor's reign in Qing Dynasty), and Daoguang Era (the fifth emperor's reign in Qing Dynasty). He had been a teacher in some academies for some years in cities such as Yongkang, Shaoxing of Zhejiang Province before serving in government. In the early of Jiaqing Era, he acted as a county magistrate in Dehua, Yongchunzhou, Fujian Province, and prefermented as a senior official of coastal defence in Fuqingzhou and Fuzhou of Fujian Province. At last he resigned from office and went back home in 12-year of Jiaqing Era. At the end of Jiaqing Era and the early of Daoguang Era, Zhao Ruirong became a governmental official again. In this period he successively held assistant magistrate of some prefectures in Nanchang, Guangxin, Jianchang, Ruizhou of Jiangxi Province. In 6-year of Daoguang Era, Zhao Ruirong died of illness when he held assistant magistrate of Ruizhou prefecture. Zhao Ruirong was good at Chinese Calligraphy, ancient poetry and ancient prose from childhood, especially experted in poetry. When Zhao Ruirong was only twenty years old, he had been far-famed in the peer group, and gained full recognition from Dou Guangnai who was an important minister of Qianlong Cabinet and who went by the name of gifted scholar, so Dou Guangnai gave Zhao Ruirong the qualification to learn at the official school in JinHua city and enjoyed preferential treatment. HuiMu ShanFang Poetry Anthology was an important poetry anthology written by Zhao Ruirong, which included more than one thousand poems divided into nine parts. The HuiMu ShanFang Poetry Anthology is abundant in content. The poetic style is pure and fresh, elegant and full of connotation, euphemistical and refined. The poetic skill is perfect, and the meaning in his poems is far-reaching. Although there were many excellent poems in Zhao Ruirong's poetry anthology, there are also some poems which are presented to his friends and families, so those poems are full of flowers of speech but devoid of substance, which made the whole poetry anthology uneven quality, so the researchers and readers need select meticulously to discard the dross and keep the essential. Until now no one has done research about Zhao Ruirong and his HuiMu ShanFang Poetry Anthology.The paper is divided into four parts:The first part is about Zhao Ruirong's extraction and life-time activity. About extraction, the article discusses four important sibs that had strong influence on Zhao Ruirong, including his predecessor Zhao Ruohui, his grandfather Zhao Rengzhen, his father Zhao Mingqi, and his uncle Zhao Huanwen. In addition, it introduces the basic situation about Zhao Ruirong's daughters and sons. About life-time activity, the article discusses three important period in Zhao Ruirong's life, including his learning and taking part in Imperial Examinations, becoming a teacher in some academies, and a government official for two times.The second part is about the exegete in HuiMu ShanFang Poetry Anthology and the edition of HuiMu ShanFang Poetry Anthology. The article illustrates the collation of Zhao Ruirong's poetry anthology before the HuiMu ShanFang Poetry Anthology was published and the publication process of HuiMu ShanFang Poetry Anthology. About the exegete in HuiMu ShanFang Poetry Anthology, the article delves their life-time activity and literary creation situation (especially the poetry creation situation).The third part is about Zhao Ruirong's association. It mainly introduces the relationship between Zhao Ruirong and his student LinZexu, his same year imperial scholar friends Zhang Wentao, Zhang Ruocai and Xin Congyi, his countrymen Lou Shangceng, He Yu and Lu Biao.The forth part is the research of Zhao Ruirong's poetry. First, depending on content of poems, the article separates the HuiMu ShanFang Poetry Anthology into some different categories, such as recalling with emotion, inscription of painting, familial affection, sings of a natural object, presenting each other with poems, government affairs, folk custom, meditating on the past history, scenery description, and travel notes. Then it analyzes each category respectively. Secondly, the article discusses the artistic characteristics of Zhao Ruirong's poetry, obtaining three features of his poetry:pure and fresh, elegant and refined, which are the major poetic style of Zhao Ruirong's poetry, but there are also some other different styles in his poems; Zhao Ruirong is good at using literary quotations, so his poems are of full-bodied bookishness; Zhao Ruirong has used many means of artistic expressions in his poetry, which embodied his perfect poetic skill. At last, the article analyzes the deficiencies of Zhao Ruirong's poems.Besides the body, there are two appendices. In the first appendix, the author makes a chronology of Zhao Ruirong by the material that has been collected and owned, and the second appendix includes the foreword and inscriptions of HuiMu ShanFang Poetry Anthology.The author hopes this paper can be of help for people to know more about Zhao Ruirong and his HuiMu ShanFang Poetry Anthology. Tthen people can evaluate and position more exactly Zhao Ruirong's influence and value in the field of poetic literature in future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhao Ruirong, HuiMu ShanFang Poetry Anthology, Poetry Research
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