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The Lonely Consciousness Of Novels By Yu Hua

Posted on:2012-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R F HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330362953578Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Yu hua as a contemporary Chinese literary field o f the most influential and personality, and his works have been one of the writers of high-profile critics attention. So far, the sales of Yu hua novel research mainly focus on his death and suffering of violence, the transformation of the infatuation, creation, the authenticity and text form, the study with remarkable achievements. But in the novel of Yu hua expressed by but lonely consciousness, the attention not just referring to certain chapters comments individual chapters, no systematic research paper. But in most of the novels by Yu hua, permeates a lonely feeling, show the modern society numerous loner image. Therefore, in the novel for its "lonely consciousness" attention also appears very be necessary.In summary on the basis of predecessors' achievements by Yu hua's novel, as the research object, lonely consciousness based on the text analysis and try to reference cult urology, sociology, psychology, and other disciplines area of research methods and achievements, further explore the yuhua's lonely consciousness causes, lonely consciousness on the creation influence, namely in the lonely consciousness the text in the novel performance, yu hua the uniqueness of lonely consciousness of modern lonely and his psychological attention reflect the realistic meaning, so as to give us a reading novels by yu hua new positions.The article consists of four most: the introduction section were reviewed, the main content includes research research topic source, the purpose of the research and significance of "lonely consciousness", defined; The second part of regional culture, writer life experiences, sino-foreign writer, effects of age and social factors, and writer temperament endowment five aspects, analyzes the yu hua the causes of lonely consciousness; The third part is the lonely consciousness is presented, a text analyzed novels by yu hua the manifestation of lonely consciousness - customs indifference, love of despair, identity and of the loss of existing anxiety, showed the lonely experience modern people everywhere; 2 it is separately elaborated the loneliness and the core of novels by yu hua theme -, destiny, violence, absurd, the relationship between the suffering that alone should also be placed in 4 person with the same important position; The fourth part of the fate of the worm from yu hua, the good attention nor evil values and the profound interpretation of loneliness, reveals yu hua three aspects in the novel the uniqueness of lonely consciousness; Meanwhile, discusses the of modern lonely yu hua what psychological attention practical significance, puts forward the viewpoint, face lonely loneliness guide people in inner life force, condensed shaped more perfect personality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yu hua, Novels, Lonely consciousnes
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