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The Research On The Lonely Writing In Li Peifu's Novels

Posted on:2021-05-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Q LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330620970392Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Loneliness as a universal state of human existence,is the eternal theme of literature.In the contemporary Chinese literary world,Li Peifu participated in the writing of the theme of loneliness in his unique artistic way.From the early "Li family" to the late "plain guest",loneliness is an important theme of his novels.When writing about loneliness,Li Peifu always pays attention to the existence and development of human beings,the change of power and the change of the times,and reveals the loneliness and confusion of human beings in the process of social history with exquisite strokes.Lonely writing has multiple expressions in Li Peifu's works,which are mainly reflected in the following aspects.First of all,it shows the lonely individual life experience of the Charisma authority,the power losing and the power resistance in the power field.Whether they are the powerful or the powerless,they are all in loneliness.The collective confusion of hujiabao villagers after being punished in spirit and the group numbness under the restriction of hujiabao law are also the unique manifestation of Li Peifu's lonely writing in the field of power.Secondly,Li Peifu pays close attention to the survival and development of urban and rural people.In his works,he outlines the lonely images of many people on the edge of society,such as rural outsiders,rural entrants,lonely vagrants, non mainstream people,they have experienced the sense of rootless wandering and the sense of loss of spiritual home.Different people have different lonely experiences.The rural outsiders are isolated by blood and geography.The rural residents feel the loneliness of the city and the loneliness of betraying their hometown after they owe the debt of human feelings.The tramps are more like duckweeds.Both the external and the internal spiritual tramps are suffering from the loneliness of wandering.Finally,with the development of commodity economy and the arrival of Consumerism Era,Li Peifu realized that although people's material conditions have been greatly improved,people's sense of loneliness has increased unabated.Therefore,in the context of the development of market economy,his works described the indifference of human nature under the material image,the indulgence and wanton of erotic desire,which led to people falling into the abyss of nothingness and the lonely existence of people in the absurd world Real situation.Li Peifu described the loneliness of people under the change of times in detail and incisively,revealing the spirit of the times in the process of human development in modern society.LiPeifu explores the loneliness and bewilderment of human soul in essence through the description of power,social marginal groups and the spiritual symptoms of the times,which not only shows the spiritual living state of Pingyuan people in the social change,but also arouses the concern and reflection of human beings on the widespread lonely spiritual dilemma in the consumption era,which has profound theoretical and practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li Peifu, Novels, Lonely writing
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