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A Study On The Lonely Image Of Liu Zhenyun's Novels

Posted on:2018-06-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y N WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330542963527Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Liu Zhenyun is one of the most important contemporary writers.From 80 s,he was concerned by literary world because of his work,TaFu.He has created a series of important literary works,and caused great repercussions in the community.His works also have the meaning of continuous development.Many researchers have devoted a lot of criticism and attention to his works,but there is still a lack of systematic and comprehensive study on the loneliness in his novels.In this paper,the author chooses the lonely image of Liu Zhenyun as the view of research,and tries to explore the deep meaning and aesthetic value of his literary creation through the analysis and interpretation of the lonely image.This will be Liu Zhenyun's lonely light image,which can bedivided into three forms: "not knowing" and deliberately avoided,flat images and symbols,"no one can say" and hard to find friends.In different periods of development,the character's loneliness presents different attitudes.This is not only related to the writer's subjective creation,but also with the changing times.What is hiding behind the lonely figure is that people gradually feel subtle and difficult to control the changeable world,traditional ethical order is the collapse of fragmented,absurdity and anxiety and accumulation,the relationship between people begin to show isolation and state of aphasia.The writer has a keen insight to find problems existing in society,and with their own unique "Ningba" narrative,irony and banter,"Liu symbiotic humor",and skilled daily narrative skills alone image to paper,formed a unique personal style of the narrative strategy.The lonely image of Liu Zhenyun is not only a profound social significance,but also has a unique aesthetic value.He inherited the tradition of literature in The May Fourth Movement period,and at the same time,he provided a unique portrait of Liu's style for the contemporary literature.In this paper,the author try to find the new path for shaping characters,and the new aesthetic meaning for the characters through the image of loneliness in Liu's novels.The author also expect more attention and criticism for the lonely image in Liu's novels.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liu Zhenyun's novels, lonely image, "Ning ba"
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