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On Medieval England Hospital Changes

Posted on:2013-02-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T TianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2214330374462125Subject:Western Social and Cultural History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hospital, as an important component of practice of medicine, is crucial to the research on Social History of Medicine. The medieval England hospital is a charity organization concomitant of the struggle in Christianity and the monarchy. With Christianity and the monarchy struggle sharply and deeply, the medieval England hospital get a development, from the early religious charities to specialized treatment mechanism control by the municipal. This transformation has profound social and historical reasons. On the medieval England hospital research not only can make people aware that social health status, but also supply more profound understanding at the time of England's social lives.The whole thesis is consisted of introduction, main body, conclusion and references of four parts, of which the main body is divided into three parts.The introduction introduces the issues and academic issues related to the research situation, and outline the value and meaning of academic topics.The first part, the author describes the development of the medieval England hospital, and context including:the initial arise of England hospitals, a period of development, late changes and its causes in middle Ages. As a result of information shortage and authenticity, documented England hospital start from eleventh Century onward. Throughout the middle Ages, the development of England hospital is consistent with the rise and fall of Christianity and monastery. Accompanied by the kingship and religious authority continue to struggle, and effect hospital.The second part, the author mainly elaborates the type and internal life of medieval England hospital. The hospital is mainly divides into four categories:the leper hospital; almshouse; hospital for poor relief, hikers and pilgrims and hospital for the sick poor. Except the leper hospital, the dividing between other hospitals does not strictly.The third part, the author describes the construction and operation of hospital. In terms of construction, the author mainly from hospital sources of funds, hospital location, hospital construction and Arrangement of personnel for discussion. In terms of operation, it also contains admission procedures, physical therapy, patients with psychiatric and contents of the four aspects of life. Through these aspects of narrative, the author shows the complete operation of the hospital. The forth part, the author talks about the change of the late medieval England hospital, this transition start from fourteenth century the Black Death, until the late fifteenth century, early sixteenth century. Because of The Reformation, the corruption of Christianity and monastery, and various hospitals malpractice results in existing hospitals can't continue, change is the inevitable. The new hospital after the change to modern sense of the hospital development takes the first step.The conclusion part summarizes the full text.
Keywords/Search Tags:medieval, England, hospital, change
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