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The Research On Medicine In Medieval England

Posted on:2010-11-24Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1114360302970950Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There were two universities in medieval England, the Oxford University and the Cambridge University. They set up the system of college, in which medical education was higher subject. Students must finish the arts and then studied medicine. Because of long study and high fees, medical students were few. Medieval English medical colleges laid foundation of the advancement in modern medical colleges. This dissertation includes medieval English medical education and medical practice. Medical education includes the sources of the subject of medicine, the basic statement of teachers and students, medical lessons, teaching methods and tests. Medical practice includes the statement of church hospitals, medieval English deseases, therapy ways and medical trades.The dissertation is divided into four chapters. The first one discusses subjective and objective reasons for the foundation of medieval English medical colleges which were promoted by outer influence. Classic translation movement and cultural transmission were intellectural foundation of the subject of medicine.Teaching structure and the appearance of subject were organizational foundation and inner requirement of the subject of medicine.The foundation of cities provided economic basis for medical subject. The development of medical education in the Salerno University, the Bologna University and the Montpellier University provided the Oxford University and the Cambridge University with consultation on books and teaching ways. Medieval medical thoughts were the base for English medcal college in that time. The medical thoughts of medieval England based on Hippocrat, Galen and important Arabian medical scientist's thoughts. The medical thoughts on disease, pharmacology, surgical technology, hygiene, health system were changing slowly in medieval England. The sources of medical students included nobles, citizens and peasants. Medical students'studying condition and teachers'working condition were very hard, and even students had to beg. The salaries of teachers were paid by college and later paid by municipal administration. Some students could get church subsidies, donations and supports, but most of medical students were very poor.The second chapter talks about medical education. Medical lessons were based on Hippocrat's and Galen's medical books, Arabian important medical books and Aristotelian books. Teachers always read and explained the masterpieces, and afterwards there was a way of dialogue.The test was divided into several phases. The test was held after completing the arts, and then students could get the master and doctor degree.The clothing of medical college came from medieval priest's clothing. It was sustained tradition, which was related with religious influence on the university, the characteristics of medieval people's clothing and the growth of university. Graduated students mostly became physicians who saved the royal family. Moreover, there were many graduated students who became famous medical scientists.The third chapter investigates the role of the church in medieval practice. In the Midlle Ages, the church was the most powerful institution. After Norman Conquest, wars and diseases sustained. The Christian church was usually the first one to save the sick. The cloisters set up a lot of hospitals to house the sick and the poor. The diseases with greatest threat were the Black Death and leprosy and a lot of people died of them. Besides blood letting, the most popular medical ways, there were bathing and herbs treatment, and so on. But they were not scientific, because they could not save the sick, only relieving pains.The fourth chapter describes different medical staff in medieval England. There were surgeons, pharmacists, women doctors, foreigner doctors and king doctor besides physicians. They all made contributions for medieval English medicine.
Keywords/Search Tags:Medieval, England, Medicine
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