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The Rehabilitation Of 106 Deaf Children And Its Influencing Factors In Hebi City

Posted on:2012-11-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2214330368479857Subject:Public Health
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Hearing loss may directly impair the cognitive ability, think ablity and memory of deaf children, and affect their social communication. Children are in the critical period of language development. If missed, the language development would be affeceted in the whole life. Therefore, early identifying hearing loss and early intervention are very important to the complete recovery of children.The language rehabilitation center of deaf children which established in 1991 has been put into use in 1992. Recently, there are constantly increasing deaf children in rehabilitation center, expanding scale and improving language training effct. However, some deaf children with rehabilitation requirement can not be trained in the rehabilitation center; the effect of deaf children which was trained remains to be confirmed. Whether the rehabilitation resource was used efficiently? What are the problems in deaf children rehabilation? All of the above are the important problems in the deaf children rehabilation of Hebi city. But there is no systematic study on the project in Hebi city.ObjectiveTo investigate the rehabilitation situation and requirements, evaluate the effect of rehabilitation, analyze its influencing factors, find out the problems and shortcomings in the rehabilitation, and provide the scientific basis of rehabilitation in Hebi city, the study was carried out.MethodsOn the basis of mastering the situation of deaf children in Hebi city, we selected 106 deaf children to receive questionnaire survey with self-designed questionnaire.Epidata 3.0 and SPSS13.0 softwares were used to perform analysis. Mean and stand deviance were used to descripe continuous variables. Rate and ratio were used to describe categorical data. T test or Rank test was used to test the differences of continuous variables between case and control.χ2 tests were used to test the differences of categorical data between different groups. The multivariable non-conditional logistic regression model was used for the analysis of influencing factors on the rehabilitation.Results 1. The essential characteristics of 106 samples included the following aspects: The average age was 1.5±1.6; the sex ratio was 1.3 male to 1 female; 2 (1.9%) samples combined with mental retardation; As to hearing loss type, 99 (93.4%) deaf children can be defined clearly, and the number of nonsyndromic sensorineural deafness, conductive deafness, and mixed deafness were 76 (71.7%), 19 (17.9%) and 4 (3.8%) respectively; the hearing loss classification can be devided into hard of hearing and deafness, whose percentages of total samples were 8.5% and 91.5% respectively; drug poisoning took the most part of causes of deafness (84.0%).2. About 84.0% deaf children has participated rehabilitation institution, while 16.0% has never paiticipate institution-based rehabilitation. Institution-based rehabilitation was the main method, which occupied 83.0%. The rate of demand of rehabilitations was in sequence of patriarch training, rehabilitation institution training, door-to-door service of rehabilitation clerk, and cochlear implanting or hearing aid fittings, with a proportion of 65.1%, 59.4%, 54.7% and 25.5% respectively. The rate of unsatisfied demand was in sequence of door-to-door service of rehabilitation clerk, cochlear implanting, rehabilitation institution training and hearing aid fittings, with a proportion of 89.6%, 55.7%, 53.8%% and 9.4% respectively.3. The effect of hearing aid included four classes: most suitable, suited, more suitable and lip-reading, which occupied 11.3%, 42.5%, 26.4% and 19.8% respectively. The effect of language rehabilitation can be divided into four classes: first class, second class, third class and fourth class, which took the percentage of 28.3%, 42.5%, 26.4% and 2.8% respectively. The rate of learning in regular class was 66.0%.4. When the child was diagnosed the deafness, the percentage of patriarch in despair was 37.7%; 26.4% patriarch hold denying attitude, and the percentage of patriarch in complained, inferiority complex and urgent was 21.7%, 18.9% and 14.2% respectively. 50.0% patriarch considered that teacher ranked first in the rehabilitation, while 29.2% patriarch thought patriarch had the most influence, and 19.9% patriarch considered peers as the most influencing people. Cochlear implanting or hearing aid fittings and patriarch training by teachers has been considered as the best assay, which occupied 34.9% and 34.9% respectively. 50.9% patriarch thought grasping rehabilition theory and mehod as the key of family rehabilition. 58.5% patriarch focused on the language development, and 23.6%, 16.0% and 1.9% focused on the listening, comprehensive quality and cognition respectively. 71.7% patriarch considered rehabilition institution as the best leraning place for children. Only 28.8% patriarch thought <3 year as the key period of language developing, while 71.2% thougt 3~5 year as the key period.5. 14.2% patriarch participated in institution-based rehabilition 1~2 times per week; 48.1% participated once a month; 21.7% participated twice a year, while 16.0% never participated. 42.5% patriarch insisted on rehabilition instructing by special person; 34.9% patriarch aimed at practicing children in hobby; 17.0% insisted on subscripting books for children, 65.1% insisted on practicing children in rule training. However, only 11.3% insisted on formulating timetable for children. 76.4% patriarch thought child's progress as the most spur. Only 4.8% patriarch was dissatisfied with the rehabilition situation of their children.6. Age, best residual listening and insisting on the rule training were the main influencing factors of rehabilition effect. The lower was the best residual listening; the better was the rehabilition effect. Insisting on the rule training was the protective factors for rehabilition.Conclusions1. Most of deaf children in Hebi city combined with normal intelligence; nonsyndromic sensorineural deafness was the main type of hearing loss; 81.5% deaf children was first or second deafness; Drug poisoning took the most part of causes of deafness.2. About 84.0% deaf children has participated rehabilitation institution. Institution-based rehabilitation was the main method in Hebi city.3. As to the effect of hearing aid, 53.8% deaf children achieved suitable or above. About the effect of language rehabilitation, 70.8% achieved first or second. The rate of learning in regular class was 66.0%. Overall, the deaf children rehabilitation in Hebi city achieved a good effect.4. Cochlear implanting or hearing aid fittings and patriarch training has been considered as the key of family rehabilition. Patriarch focused on the language and listening development. 71.7% patriarch mistakely considered 3~5 year as the key period of language developing.5. 65.1% insisted on practicing children in rule training. The satisfaction degree of patriarch on the rehabilition situation was 95.2%.6. Lower best residual listening and insisting on the rule training were the protective factors for rehabilition.
Keywords/Search Tags:Deaf children, rehabilition, influencing factors
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