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Research Of Deaf Children Acquire Chinese Second-tone

Posted on:2008-06-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ShaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2144360215452162Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tones greatly enrich the amount of syllabics,this is important for expend expression measure of phonics,and have effect on differentiate phonics. Tones have an distinguishing station in Chinese. To the natural audition persion, master Chinese four tone is not a hard work. But deaf children are special colony, they can not acquire language naturely. So we hope this paper can help readers know the status of deaf children acquire Chinese second-tone,and afford some help to the research of deaf children's language rebuild. We hope every deaf child can participate in language communion and study as a healthiness child.The Thesis Consists of Four Parts.Part One :ExperimentIn this experiment we choose five childrens as our experient object from Jilin Rehabilitation Center.Their age between 4~6years old.They have normal intelligence and no organ anarthria. We choose all the second-tone syllables based on Xinhua dictionary. Then make words use the syllables. Grouping the words into four parts, 1single-syllable word, 2double-syllable(front) word , 3double-syllable (back) word, 4 more-syllable word. Distill acoustics parameters of each word,find the pronunciation difference,note and analyze them(use Praat).Part two: ResultSata the tone pronouncing circs according to different group(table1~6). To analyse the acoustic characteristics, we choose some representative pitch(fundmental frequency contour) to explain our opinion(picture1.1~4.1).Part Three:Discussing & AnalyzingThe following conclusion is based on the statistical data.â… .Deaf children second-tone single-syllable word analyzingâ…°.Fundmental frequency:The effective fundmental frequency of deaf children are higher than the same-age normal hearing chidren. The deaf children always use first-tone or fourth-tone to express second-tone.â…±.Second-tone palpabilityAfter analyzed the pronounce of deaf children second-tone single-syllable word,We discovered that only 15.41% words we can understand.â…².Relationship of acquire initial final and second-toneThe sequence of deaf children acquire second-tone have much relation with the sequence of acquire initial and final. Dut the deaf children have much individual discrepancy so the acquire of second-tone is also influented by other ingredients. Not much accord with this sequence.â…¡.Deaf children second-tone double-syllable word analyzingâ…°. DescribeCompare double-syllable(front) word fundmental frequency contour with double-syllable (back) word fundmental frequency contour, the steady part of the first one have more palpability.â…±.Pronunciation The tone-sections of deaf children are mostly flat or fall.In spite of whatever the originally tone is, their pronounces go flat or fall. According to cooperate pronounce rule (a) the front syllable cauda low and the back syllable head high,then the the front syllable cauda becomes high. So the deaf children double-syllable (front) word pronouncing is better than , double-syllable (back) word.â…².HearingWe find out that if there is lingual environment and the hearing one familiar with the speaker then 39.7% double-syllable(front) word , 18.29% double-syllable (back) word will be understand.This illuminats that in lingual environment ,the word of deaf children can be understand easily.â…¢.Deaf children second-tone more-syllable word analyzingPart of more-syllable words are very hard to pronounce.Part Four: SuggestionWe put forward some advices accord to this experiment,we hope this paper can give some revelation in theory to deaf children healing education.First, language rebuild training is a long time job. Ask parents participate, make sure the deaf children hear voice as much as possible.Second, use word double-syllable word or more-syllable word in language rebuild training. Do not use single syllable word.
Keywords/Search Tags:Deaf Children, Second-tone, Pronounce, Frequency, Lingual Environment
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