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Diagnosis Of Canine Pyometra Using Radiography & Ultrasonography

Posted on:2010-06-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M LongFull Text:PDF
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Pyometra regarded as one of the most common illnesses of genital system is often seen in adult bitches. It is characterised by uterine bacterial infection leading to subsequent systemic illness. Common clinical symptoms are hemorrhagic or purulent vaginal discharge which could be noticed in 4 to 8 weeks after estrous cycle, mental depressed, polydipsia/ polyuria, vomiting, anorexia or toxemia. According to the cervix open or not, pyometra is divided into open and closed type. Laboratory examination showed an increase or decrease of neutrophils, anemia, azotemia, hypotonic urine, high-protein hyperlipidemia and high cholesterol. Based on clinical examination, laboratory blood, biochemical tests, etiology and pathological examination on suspected cases of pyometra, radiological and ultrasound examination are also used in our studies, in order to research the effectiveness of imaging examination in clinical diagnosis of canine pyometra.We have collected 51 cases of pyometra during working in out-patient department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Institute in Shanghai. Blood collection by forelimb vein, testing blood, measuring blood biochemical parameters are all taken to each patient. X-ray examination (55-75 kV,15 mAs,70 cm, etc) is carried out mainly on abdomen or cavitas pelvis.5.0MHZ probe can be used on abdominal and pelvic ultrasound examinations, including horizontal and vertical direction. After surgical operation, the content of uterus and blood agar plates are prepared for bacterial culture, then fixing uterus with formalin, preparing paraffin section, observing the pathological changes with HE staining could be done. Results show that the pyometra in dogs contains a variety of clinical manifestations, such as blood biochemical changes in different, often directed inflammatory changes. It's hard to make exactly diagnosis only from clinical symptoms and blood biochemical determination. As a kind of simple, effective and reliable diagnostic method, imaging examination shows its great significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:canine, pyometra, diagnosis, radiography, ultrasonography
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