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Network Test System Design And Development

Posted on:2010-11-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360308966288Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper described a Web-based examination system (abbreviated examination system) design and implementation. The system is mainly used this existing resources to achieve the separation of teaching and testing, as well as examination of the fully automated management of service work. Network examination system, through the school network edge, so that teachers and candidates can be implemented on the LAN or even Internet test activities to replace the traditional examination, breaking the original exam time and space limitations, automatic out of volume, graders, as well as automatically generated transcripts, etc. to better teaching in schools, scientific research, management services, Achieve the test objective, just, fair, and reduce the intensity of the work of teachers.In this article, will involve three types of roles: students, teachers, administrators. Students, the main features are: online exam, the query results and so on. Teachers have the main features are: paper management, paper marking, performance management and so on. The administrator's main functions are: user management, permission management, system management.First, according to the requirements of the specific use of the environment was proposed system model of the system will use Web-based C / S multi-mode. The system is based on the model, based on the use. NET technology, development tools, using SQL Server 2005 database management work for the county, in order to ADO as a database interface to implement the system. Secondly, according to the actual needs of the role, the main function of the system will be divided into the user management module, the item bank management module, test management module, the use of UML techniques of needs analysis, database design. Finally, the security of this system to analyze.To make the system into a multi-courses to be completed by testing a variety of kinds of questions a unified examination system.This is my school and other adult education schools, optimization of test administration to provide a new development model.
Keywords/Search Tags:Network test system, Test database, Online test system
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