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Universiade Communications Infrastructure Planning And Ipv6 Applications

Posted on:2011-10-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S L DaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360308461645Subject:Electronics and Communications Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The 26th World University Summer Games (hereinafter referred to as "universiade") will be held in Shenzhen in 2011. The main venue of the Universiade in Longgang Town Dayun. The city there are various venues,Organizing Committee offices,The designated host hotels. etc.Communication and information systems is an important system of the Universiade is one of the central nervous tournament. to the collection. processing and dissemination of a variety of tournament information. and efficiently run event for the Universiade preparation and service. As a global partner Universiade. China Telecom required to complete the Universiade communication and information system project. construction objectives are:the basic requirements in general based on the joint in order to contest the core. to event management and media services focus on building a set of scientific and practical communication and information systems. Hereby. China Telecom set up a communications and information system construction Universiade team responsible for completing the Grand Canal communications infrastructure network planning and engineering. I am specifically responsible for the main venues are located in Longgang Grand Canal Area of network planning and project coordination.The main issue is the distribution according to a gymnasium. communication group's network demands and needs of such events on the venue of the pipe. cable. access network and other infrastructure facilities planning and construction. and in accordance with the national "Eleventh Five" plan spirit. with the help Grand Canal of the opportunity to promote the next generation Internet. the transformation from the experimental to the business. combined with Grand Canal needs to be achieved Combination IPV6 applications. I mainly work as follows:1. collecting venues business needs. measure the corresponding network of construction scale; 2. Collaborative Group colleagues to develop appropriate construction principles and make a preliminary building program; 3. according to Dayun events demand. combined with IPV6 technical characteristics of the technology business model. Communication services for the protection of the Universiade the successful construction of facilities. this topic Universiade communication and information system project is a systematic project involving the IP bearer network. transmission network. access network. mobile communications network. infrastructure. etc. more professional. this planning requirements from the practical application of the Universiade the stadium. the starting scene. separate business forecast. construction principles. program and construction scale of the network's argument. and planning in-depth discussion.The topic of planning for communications and information systems Universiade the smooth progress of the project to lay a solid foundation. the project will successfully build and Wendingyunhang Universiade's Zuzhishuiping Fan Ying. a Universiade held in Bao Zhang Cheng Gong.
Keywords/Search Tags:Universiade, IPV6, China Telecom, Communication and Information System
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