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High-speed Usb-based Digital Video Image Acquisition System

Posted on:2010-10-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360278453825Subject:Optical Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuing advance of the clients'demand for the speed of a data collection system, USB2.0 is more and more widely used in data collection system for its advantages such as convenience, expanding port with ease and high speed etc. A great deal of data stream and high real time requirement in the process of video data collection is more particular.This article designs a video data collection system based on USB2.0 protocol. In this system we uses CY7C68013A chip from EZ-USB FX2 series of CYPRESS Company to communicate with FPGA, and writes PC application programme to control high-speed collection and palying of video data.The developing of this system mainly includes: setting up hardware circuit, writing FPGA module, firmware and PC application programmes. FPGA module is responsible for the collection and sending of 16 bits video data from uncooled infrared thermal image instrucment. There is a FIFO in FPGA module which is very impotant to cache the data. The firmware programme is used to configure the inside registers of CY7C68013A chip, and choses slave FIFO interface mode to achieve the highest speed. PC application programme controlls the start, stop and real time palying of video data which can be storaged in HD when required.The system adopts bulk transmission mode in USB protocol which is applicable to transmit great amounts of data. Besides, mistake controlling and retrying technique is used to ensure the correctness of data in high speed.
Keywords/Search Tags:digital data video, image collection, real time paly, firmware programme
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