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On The Newspaper's "rural" Are Reported

Posted on:2008-05-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Agriculture, countryside and farmers (ACF) are the three important constituents in China's political, economic, culture and living factors. The report on the ACF issue play an indispensable role in all the press released and has gotten more and more attention from the Party, the Nation and the Press circle. The quantity of the report is increasing and the quality is getting better and better. But the study on the reports of the ACF issue, especially the study on how to increase the abilities and art of the whole ACF issue report as well as how the medias running ACF issue develop and expand in a competitive surrounding, is insufficient in current time.The article tries to deep disclose the significance and intention of the ACF issue press report, analyze the cultivation on media of the fanners who are the target groups, discuss the diversification, characteristics, problems and deficiencies of the past ten years' ACF issue press works. The article gives some suggestions and solutions from different points and macroscopically & microcosmic level to make some contribution to the ACF issue report study and actual works.For the purposes, the writer studied a lot of articles and papers, interviewed the ACF issue experts, scholars and workers (mainly from the newspaper) and held a survey in the writer hometown named "Survey on how close the relations between the countryside resident and the newspaper".The writer deeply believe that the China countryside is a rich and colorful, full of vital force, opportunity and challenge place for the press work and it will be a big success and hope for journalists to dedicate themselves into the work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agriculture, countryside and farmers report, current situation and insufficiency, amelioration and improvement
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