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Song "hongfan Study

Posted on:2005-10-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J W WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360122493909Subject:Classical philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Great Plan is one chapter of Historical classic,which discuss the policy of administering nation.and it came into being before the Qin dynasty.When in Han dynasty ,the scholors very cherished it.Because the Five Elements in The Great Plan were combined with their theories of calamities and abnormal phenomena.and Esoteric Speculations.The scholors in Han dynasty made use of it to affect poltics.This situation continued to Tang dynasty. Song scholars also attached importance to The Great Plan.They inherited and developed the Han and Tang scholars'theories .What's more,they reinterpretated it.This thesis illustrates the Song scholars researching The Great Plan, from three aspects. 1 Song scholars did textual research of The Great Plan .Though there were some reasons in their research,they had less validity for little foundation.2 Song scholars' numerology and prognostication,which not only derived from Han and Tang dynasties standpoints but also developed and widened it.This theories had little to do with The Great Plan. 3 Song scholars'interprtation of The Great Plan from philosophical standviews.They attached great importance to the philosophy in Confucius classics.Also The Great Plan was applied to political thoughts and philosophy which have some merits.
Keywords/Search Tags:", hongfan
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