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Power Grid Of Theoretical Line Loss Management System Designed And Implemented

Posted on:2001-07-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360002450933Subject:Control theory and control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
AbstractThe line loss of e1ectric power is a compos1te economy and technology eqet,and that theoretic line loss is a mirrot, whicb not only reflects the rationality ofelectric power network's struCture and running bllt also reflects the technology andamagemen leve1 of electric powe enedse. In this paPer, after reading abundantrelevan literatUre, domestic and oversea, combing the character of QialluangDaoElectric Power Corporaion, based on Oacle7.3 database we designed a systemwhich ahas at the calculaton. analysis and forecast of electric poweL Thiough thessystem, the manqement deprtellt could manage line loss and put forwardd.''measure, Whch mulndze the line loss in high efficiency, the design departmentcould adoPt the beta scheine in design stag by analysis and forecast.We pul fOrward the method that aPply the improved Grey System to fOrecastthe load of electric power and farther fOrecast the theoretic line 1oss, i.e. aftertransforming the original sequence by eXPonClltial weight, then its mild discretedegree is iInProved, we farther use GM(1,l) model to forecast the load. The actualaPplication indicated that the improved GM(l,1) model nOt only fits the f0recast of1oad but also increases the Precision of forecast through selecting the parameter fi'Y.In this paPer, we put forward the method that use Genetic A1gorithm to searchthe optima1 parameter P. Y, in the problem which how to confinn the optimalparameter g' Y fOr the optimal forecast effect. ln this paPeT, we also presented theIldetailed ascertain process of parameter /3 ~. ~ and actualized that through program. That system has been running formally in QinHuangDao Electric PowerCorporation and had passed the test ofNCPG.
Keywords/Search Tags:theoretic line loss, Qracle7.3 database, PowerBuilder6.5 language, Calculation, analysis, load forecast, Grey System, Genetic Algorithm
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