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An Analysis Of The Education Of Left - Behind Children

Posted on:2017-02-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J LeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207330485964475Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Left-behind children education problem is with the reform and opening and the advancement of urbanization, resulting from the problem was once cause social and relevant professional research, however, with the development of the society, the problem is still not solved. The party central committee under the state council also repeated several times in the past two years the meeting should attach great importance to the education of left-behind children problem is put forward.As a result of the left behind children is not a single problem, but a society in the transition stage of development of the product, which is the division of social functions, national policy, economic development and the local customs and culture and education level is closely related, so the problem of left behind children is not easy, left behind children’s problems are also the existence of the time of every corner of our country. But the children are the future of the country, their education level, the degree of mental health will largely determine the level of future development and social maturity, because education determines the basic quality of the population, mental health of the people’s life, if the twenty million children can not accept a good education, but also the existence of certain psychological defects, then the future of the country will certainly be affected. This makes solving the problem of left behind children has become very urgent. Therefore, the study of rural left behind children’s education problem has theoretical and practical significance.Through the study of living conditions, education level and mental health of left behind children, this paper analyzes the social causes of left behind children, analyzes the different difficulties experienced by the left behind children in the process of development, analyzes the social and economic development of left behind children, and shows the inevitable variety of obstacles, the purpose is to hope that more parents and social people pay more attention to this field, and contribute to the healthy growth of children.
Keywords/Search Tags:left behind children, education problem
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