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On The Emotional Expression In The Eastern Jin Dynasty Calligraphy

Posted on:2011-01-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F BiFull Text:PDF
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Emotion is the origing of free creating in culture and arts. Art creating serve as a centralized and symbolized incarnation of human emotions and spiritualism. Arts reveal life, display emotions in life,however arts display vary in different ways and various methods could be chosen in emotion display. Poems characterized in beautiful languages while music in melodious rhythms, calligraphy in moving lines. The transformation from molding arts to emotion expressing arts characterized in pictogrpthy originated from East Hang Dynasty, matured in Jin and Tang Dynasty. This paper is divided into four parts to discuss emotion display in East Jin Dynasty.Fisrt part generalizes emotions in East Jin Dynasty caligraphy. In East Jin Dynasty, there were many top stylic calligraphy masters such as Wangxizhi and Wangxianzhi.\Lantingxu\,\Zhongqiutie\,\Yatouwangtie\ were written by"two Wang"their calligraphy were reputued in black and white mix, moving lines, smart artistc conceptions.Second part is to discuss emotion expressing ways. East Jin Dynasty calligraphy broke the barriers of practical formations, put calligraphists emotions into their works, made calligraphy a life easthetics. Its integrated methods of emotions match writers and nature together to make a deeper layer of emotions. Convergence of writings and literatures, transmitions from literature to calligraphy influent calligraphists.Third part, calligraphy is life. East Jin Dynasty calligraphy surpassed formats and improved writers emotions to a cilmax."writing is symbole of person"was expressed fully in East Jin Dynasty calligraphy.Fouth part is conclusion. East Jin Dynasty calligraphy played a role of transtion and made a good example of calligraphy in the following dynasties, meanwile, the heyday of East Jin Dynasty calligraphy produced numerous summative theorotic literatures which also a guiding theory in Chinese calligraphy.
Keywords/Search Tags:East Jin Dynasty, Calligraphy, emotions, Wangxizhi, Wangxianzhi
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