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Showcase Beauty

Posted on:2006-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J QiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360152994209Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"The display window" is the product of the commercialization of the material. It is the place where commodity demonstrated in the commerce, by visible and invisible ways. "The beautiful woman" conforms to certain specific esthetic standards of women. The standards varies in times and regions. 'The displayed beautiful window woman" refers to female image, which is under commercialization and is accord with the esthetic standard of the public. Invisible "display window", generally refers to the trend, the public approved the "beautiful woman model" and it becomes the style that female pursues.This article first discusses under this Patriarchy, the feminine body, through observed, materialized, finally commercialized. It is the property of the masculine, but is not of the feminine itself. In feminine history, either in the past or at present, all standards conform to masculine esthetic. Nowadays, the commercial is even the accomplice, which pushes the female to the end of commercialization.In the painting history, the reason how "display window woman" developed can be divided into two major terms of discussions:1. In the history - taking the Chinese female prostitute as the example, even the famous prostitute of the literate brothel was still under the masculine judgments.2. Nowadays - commercial offers guidance in order to provide various types of woman that meet the standard of the consumer. The female may seem liberated, but actually falls into another trap.In the past, under Patriarchy, the female does not have the right of independence, but today, female not under Patriarchy's influence, however, female still deeply influenced by the commercials. Through viewing the young people at the present time blindly pursuing commercial standard, which raise a question for us to contemplate.
Keywords/Search Tags:Showcase
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