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Aesthetic Modernity Encounter Guangqian,

Posted on:2005-10-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M AoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360152456363Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
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The " thoughts being opposed to poems" has already existed for a longtime. In Western, it started from the ancient giant philosopher-Plato. Theproblem has never been solved ultimately on some day in the past, and in the future also, because the two main factors that constitute the question have been placed in the situation of " changing unceasingly" since they appeared. The " thoughts standing oppositely to poems" also brings about theimpressive scenery - Aesthetics, linking " thoughts" and " poems",because of its existence, has astounded and drifted how many estheticians, artist, the amiable audience as well as the artificial works. Once TheodorvW.Adorno humiliated Aesthetics - the attitude to " review the' introspection'"-possibly hurt the hearts of numerous amateur fancier ofAesthetics:" There hasn' t been any other philosophy courses, like esthetic course which is so flimsily reliable on the many preconditions. It's standpoint is as pendulous as weather cock, waving away in each burst of philosophy breeze, literature breeze and science breeze . People are investigating metaphysics esthetics from the viewpoint of metaphysics and norms, while again studying the esthetics in the descriptive and experiential way, considering the esthetics from the artists' opinion, or treating the esthetics from the consumers standpoint." ( (( Aesthetics Design Art Education )) written by Theodorv W.Adorno, translated by Wang Keping, Sichuan People Publishing House, 1998 versions, page 558)This is the article of the amateur fancier of an esthetics. The author intends to adopt the crossing courses, influence , parallel comparison researchmethods of comparative literature ,etc. I take the Chinese modernesthetician -Zhu Guangqian and his esthetics system as the individualcase and carrier to develop my discussion, investigating the existing problems Which arises when Aesthetics is confronted with the revolution of modernity , arguing that there is mutual repellency between esthetics and art. That is a theoretical premise when we consider the problem of esthetics modernity.Chapter 1: "The general introduction of beauty-appreciation consciousness ". This part elaborates from the view of history how the mankind obtain the ability and consciousness with beauty-appreciation during labor, and the appearances of the human arts have experienced the process changing on the philosophy meanings. Placing the art under the philosophy background is the starting point that we set about the discussion, and is also the fundamental reason that the problem of " esthetics modernity" hatches out.Chapter 2: The "consideration of 'modernity' of the esthetics ". This chapter brings up the problems of esthetics' philosophy position first and of the art's history destiny, discussing that the modern artists are determined to break off from the traditional esthetics because of the biggest incompatibility between them. It is impossible that art remains same as past, but withdraw the historical stage. Art is looking forward to a kind of esthetic modernization. Modern esthetics will apply the way of dissolving the traditional esthetics categories to realize the target of this conversion.Chapter 3: "The relation between Zhu Guangqian and Croce ". This chapter brings up the differences of the works in Mr. Zhu's early and late career, not only owning to the interruption to his study from the political consciousness, but mainly because of his descending influences from many remarkable philosophers and estheticians of the many different systems. As of his own construction or purchase of theoretical system, he combined in the consideration to the problem of "esthetics modernity" that is separated into "two stages".Chapter 4: "How Mr. Zhu constructed o purchased the modern esthetics system". This Part discusses how the modern appearance of esthetic has taken into shape in the process of Mr. Zhu's study. We try to look for the answer from two aspects:(l) Mr. Zhu introduced series of the profound and important esthetics thoughts from western co...
Keywords/Search Tags:Guangqian,
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