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The Establishment Of The Lebanese Political System And Early Development

Posted on:2004-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H N YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360092998703Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Lebanon is the only parliamentary democratic republic of the Arab countries in the Middle East. But its political system is different from the general parliamentary democratic republic, which has closely relation with religious sect, and form distinctive sectarian politics and 'sectarian political system'. This study examines a vital period in the political development of modern Lebanon, a period during which its existence as a separate independent state was secured, its borders defined and its political structure shaped. The establishment of Greater Lebanon in 1920, the elaboration of the Lebanese Constitution of 1926 and the agreement of the National Pact in 1943 determined the character and development of the Lebanese state.Emirs of the Maan and Chehab families held the rule of Lebanon successively after Ottoman conquest of it. With the decline of the Ottoman Empire, western powers intervened in Lebanon. After being given the mandate over Syria and Lebanon, French proclaimed the creation of' Greater Lebanon in 1920. This decision is examined in the context of general French policy and interests in the Levant during and after the World War I, Franco-British rivalry over the Middle East, the post-war conflict between France and the Arab national movement led by Faisal, and the role of the Lebanese Christian, in particular of the Maronite Church, in the formation of an independent Greater Lebanon. The extension of its borders created a deeply divided society, not only in politics but also in economic of Lebanon. The stand of the major religious communities, especially of the Maronites and Sunnis towards it greatly influenced the development of politics in Lebanon. There are huge difference between Mount Lebanon and the included areas in demographic, politics, administration and economic. The extension of its borders created a divided society, which deeply influenced the development of its politics and economic. Therefore it became a turning point of the politics development of modern Lebanon. Syrian Druzes uprising of 1925 and 1926 against France mandate promoted the elaboration of the Lebanese Constitution of 1926. Various sects united in order to strive for national independence and the contradictionsamong them eased. This led the agreement of the National Pact in 1943, which distributed political power based on sectarian demographic and strengths.Compromise among various sects promoted the nation independence. But with the evolving of the situation at home and abroad the vulnerability of Lebanese political structure increasingly manifested.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lebanon, political system, Greater Lebanon, Constitution, National Pact
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