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Plasma Endothelin And Serum White Interleukin-8 Level In Coronary Heart Disease Determination And Significance

Posted on:2002-08-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360032955794Subject:Department of Cardiology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
ndiannd aole or P1m usIn nd boIDtedds-8 In Patiat8 With tw ed meeSecond Department Of Cardiology,The Frist Hospital OfXinjiang Medical UniversityPostgraduate:GuoJunTutOr:Cheng ZuhenganSTaseTObjective: ttis experiment aims to study the pathogenesis androle of plasma levels of endothelin[ET]and serum levels ofinterieukin-8[IL-8]in patients with coronary heart disease[CHD].wethodB: Using RIA,ELISA,plasrna levels of ETsemm levels ofIL--8 were measured in 60 pahents with CHD,including 30 patientswith acute myocardial infactionIAMI],and 30age --matched normalsubjectS as contrOlReau1ts:The mean in AMI group was l25.53pg/Inl;range from65.5 to l42.62PglIIil;the mean of serum ir--8 was 2.01nglIIil;rangefrom l .04 to 2.79nglinl.the mean of ET in coronary narrow group was98.67pglIIil; range from 65.78 tO ll4.53pglInl;the mean of IL-8 wasl.23nglInl; range from 0.93 to l.55ng.the mean of ET in norinalcontrols was 76. l7pglml;range from 54.2 to l04. 13pglIIil;the mean ofI8 was 0.8nglIIil;range frOm 0.62 tO l. 11nglIIil.The plasma levelsof ETand the serum levels of ir-8 were high in the group withCHD,especially AMI group [p<0.05];they were higher in the CHDgroup than those in the normal controls[p<0.05].Conc1usion:The high plasma levels of ET and serum levels ofIL-8 were suggested relation to the CHD,and serum levels of ir-8related to immne damage to AMI.ll...
Keywords/Search Tags:Coronary heart disease, endothelin, Interleukin-8
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